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Meet Gemini Observatory’s Instrumentation Team at SPIE

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Just released: Gemini-related SPIE 2014 Abstracts PDF 336 KB.


During the 2014 SPIE Astronomical Telescope + Instrumentation Conference, held at the Palais des Congres de Montreal between the 22nd and 27th June 2014, Gemini will host an informal meeting for interested attendees to interact with Gemini’s Development and Instrumentation Team on Monday 23rd June, starting at 17:30 in room 525.  Expanding on the previous day’s  9:00 Instrumentation at Gemini Observatory talk at the Ground-based and Airborne Instrument for Astronomy V conference, Gemini staff will provide additional updates on our next instrument and adaptive optics projects as well as new ways to bring instruments to Gemini.  All conference attendees are invited, and encouraged, to meet the team and discuss Gemini's future plans. Interactions and participation are sought with the astronomical community at large, not exclusively the Gemini partners. 
We want to hear from you!
The event also provides an opportunity to interact with Paul Martini, the chair of the Gemini Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC), which advises the Gemini Board on policy matters of long-range scientific and technical importance, including instrumentation capabilities.
The following members of Gemini’s staff will participate in this SPIE meeting:

·         Constanza Araujo (Optics Engineer)

·         Maxime Boccas (Associate Director Development)

·         Andrew Cardwell (Science Operations Specialist)

·         Andre-Nicolas Chene (Assistant Scientist)

·         Madeline Close (System Engineering Manager)

·         Angelic Ebbers (GN Software Operations Team Leader)

·         Vincent Garrel (AO Science Fellow)

·         Gaston Gausachs (Mechanical Engineer)

·         Stephen Goodsell (Project Manager)

·         Kevin Hanna (Detector Engineer)

·         Markus Hartung (Scientist)

·         Pascale Hibon (Gemini Science Fellow)

·         Paul Hirst (Associate Scientist)

·         Scot Kleinman (Head of Instrumentation Program)

·         Olivier Lai (AO Scientist)

·         Ariel Lopez (GS Science Operation Specialist Group Manager)

·         Eduardo Marin (Science Operations Specialist)

·         Rachel Mason (Assistant Astronomer)

·         Arturo Nunez (Software Group Manager & Project Manager)

·         William Rambold (Principal Software Engineer)

·         Fredrik Rantakyro (Associate Scientist)

·         Matt Rippa (Senior Software Engineer)

·         Rolando Rogers (Principal Electronics & Instrumental Engineer)

·         Naru Sadakuni (GPI Research Assistant)

·         Andrew Serio (System Engineer)

·         Gaetano Sivo (AO Science Fellow)

·         Chad Trujillo (Head of AO Group)

·         John White (Senior Instrumentation Engineer)

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