General Announcements

Status Notes

January 15th, 2024

While Gemini is once again observing after the Cyber Incident, there are some operational issues which we are still working out. We are writing to inform you of the operational limitations we are working under while work continues.

In particular, some of the usual tools for communicating program status are currently unavailable or not fully functional, and we are actively working to minimize the impact on users.

2024A Gemini Observatory Call for Proposals and GHOST Shared-Risk Call for Proposals Released

September 6th, 2023

The 2024A Gemini Observatory Call for Proposals has been released. Proposals are being accepted for observations from 1 February to 31 July 2024. Gemini North and Gemini South are expected to have 161 and 151 nights available for science, respectively. A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submissions. Please note that all Gemini proposals requesting time from the United States, Canada, Brazil or Argentina must be anonymized.
