White Papers

Probing the Time Domain with High Spatial Resolution White Paper
Entering into the Wide Field Adaptive Optics Era in the Northern Hemisphere, Astro2020 APC White Paper
- Buckley, D. A. H., McBride, V. A., Barres de Almeida, U., et al. (2020): Towards a BRICS Optical Transient Network (BRICS-OTN)
- Sivo, G., Palmer, D., Scahrwächter, J., et al. (2020) : GNAO: an MCAO facility for Gemini North
- Scharwächter, J., Sivo, G., Andersen, M., et al. (2020): The next-generation Gemini North Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Facility
- Sivo, G., Blakeslee, J., Lotz, J., et al. (2019), : Entering into the Wide Field Adaptive Optics Era in the Northern Hemisphere
- Miller, B., Allen, L., Bellm, E., et al. (2019): Infrastructure and Strategies for Time Domain and MMA and Follow-Up
- Blakeslee, J. P., Adamson, A., Davis, C., et al. (2019): Strategic Scientific Plan for Gemini Observatory
GEMMA at conferences
AO4ELT6 Proceedings [June 9-14, 2019]
- Julia Scharwächter & Morten Andersen (Gemini Observatory)
- GNAO: an MCAO system for Gemini North towards Conceptual Design
- Gaetano Sivo (Gemini Observatory)
- GeMS 2.0: are we there yet?
- Eduardo Marin (Gemini South Observatory)
- Relocate Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System from Chile to Hawaii: A feasibility study
- Emmanuel Chirre (Gemini South Observatory)
- Optical Design of GIRMOS, an adaptive optics-fed integral-field spectrograph for the Gemini telescope
- Tristan Chabot (Université Laval)
SPIE ANZCOP Proceedings [December 8-12, 2019]
235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) [January 4-8, 2019]
New science opportunities with the next generation Gemini North Adaptive Optics facility
Chair: Célia Blain
- 9:30 - "GNAO - an MCAO system for the Gemini North Telescope"
- Gaetano Sivo (presented by Julia Scharwächter)
- 9:50 - "Science cases for GNAO"
- Morten Andersen
- 10:10 - "Understanding the Birth, Death, and Afterlife of Stars Using Astrometry"
- Jessica Lu
- 10:30 - "Probing the Time Domain with GNAO"
- John Blakeslee
- 10:50 - "Science with the Gemini IR Multi-Object Spectrograph"
- Roberto Abraham
- 11:10 - "GNAO astrometry as it pertains to cosmological parallaxes"
- Michael Pierce