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Avoid updating to Sonoma 14.4

Content owned by Aleksandar Cikota

We strongly advise Mac users running on Apple silicon systems to refrain from updating their operating system to Sonoma 14.4 until further notice.
Updating to this version may result in disruptions to the functionality of our Observing Tool (OT), Phase I Tool (PIT), and other Java based tools.

"An issue introduced by macOS 14.4, which causes Java process to terminate unexpectedly, is affecting all Java versions from Java 8 to the early access builds of JDK 22. There is no workaround available, and since there is no easy way to revert a macOS update, affected users might be unable to return to a stable configuration unless they have a complete backup of their systems prior to the OS update."
See source for more information.

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Avoid updating to Sonoma 14.4 | Gemini Observatory


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