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'Alopeke & Zorro have two iXon Ultra 888 back-illuminated Electron Multiplying CCDs (EMCCDs).

Type iXon Ultra 888 EX
Size 1024 x 1024
Pixel Size 13 μm
Dark current 0.0002 e-/pix/sec
Well depth 80,000 e-
Linearity better than 99.9%
Timestamp accuracy 10 ns

EMCCD Minimum Exposure Time (s)
ROI / Binning 1x1 2x2 4x4
1024x1024 0.0562 0.0278 0.0135
512x512 0.0282 0.0140
256x256 0.0144

Conventional Amplifier Minimum Exposure Time (s)
ROI Binning 0.1 MHz 1.0 MHz
1024 x 1024 1 x 1 11.01 1.102
1024 x 1024 2 x 2 2.957 0.356
1024 x 1024 4 x 4 0.852 0.130
512 x 512 1 x 1 5.52 0.552
512 x 512 2 x 2 2.13 0.228
512 x 512 4 x 4 0.917 0.103

Read Noise (e-)
EMCCD Amplifier Conventional Amplifier
Readout Speed (MHz) 30 20 10 1 1 0.1
Without EM 130 80 40 12 6 3.5
With EM <1 <1 <1 <1 - -

(Serial Number)
Amplifier HSSPEED
Alopeke Red
Electron Multiplying 30 2 5.61
Electron Multiplying 20 2 4.39
Conventional CCD 1 2 0.80
Alopeke Blue
Electron Multiplying 30 2 5.54
Electron Multiplying 20 2 4.42
Conventional CCD 1 2 0.76
Zorro Red
Electron Multiplying 30 2 5.42
Electron Multiplying 20 2 4.60
Conventional CCD 1 2 0.78
Zorro Blue
Electron Multiplying 30 2 5.69
Electron Multiplying 20 2 4.76
Conventional CCD 1 2 0.77
Transmission curves


'Alopeke and Zorro use a dichroic beam splitter to simultaneously image in two filters. The incident light is split at 674 nm, reflecting blue light through the blue filter wheel and transmitting red light through the red filter wheel.

Filter transmission curves
Filter Name Central Wavelength (nm) Width (nm) Transmission
Dichroic 674 - data, plot
Pickoff Mirror - - data, plot
Blue Wheel
XSDSS u' 352 46 data, plot
EO 466 466 44 data, plot
XSDSS g' 479 154 data, plot
EO 562 562 54 data, plot
XSDSS r' 620 145 data, plot
H-alpha 656.52 3.22 data, plot
Red Wheel
EO 716 716 52 data, plot
XSDSS i' 765 148 data, plot
EO 832 832 40 data, plot
XSDSS z' 947 236 data, plot
Components | Gemini Observatory


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