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Queue Summary

Content owned by pablo.martin

Semester 2023B - GS Band 1-3 Programs

The table below summarizes the Gemini queue programs and their execution status. This page is updated once per day.

The columns in the table are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Participant (AR, BR, CA, CL, KR, UH, US) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Semesters shown in square brackets e.g. [] indicate that the program can be carried over to the specified semester.
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

Show queue summary for semester at Gemini

GS Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023B-DD-101 Howell US Exoplanet Characterization: Host stars and Planet Atmospheres Visitor 5.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20240101 20240102 20240103
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-101 Davis US IR Imaging of SN 2023emq: The first dusty SN Ibn in a decade Flamingos2 3.28
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-102 Tan CA Is 2002 MS4 a C-type asteroid lodged in the trans-Neptunian region? GMOS-S 0.70
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-103 Seccull US Completing the Optical Reflectance Spectrum of Charon GMOS-S 1.89
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-104 Sestito CA The oldest and most metal-poor remnants of the Magellanic Stellar Stream GHOST 2.46
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231208 20231209
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-105 Langeveld US Diving into the Ultra-Hot Atmosphere of HAT-P-70 b with GHOST GHOST 5.75
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-106 Kim US Probing Accretion and Disk Wind of Two Photoevaporating Protoplanetary Disks in NGC 1977 GHOST 3.10
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-107 Bolin US Testing the surface composition and activity-driving mechanism of Tianwen-2 spacecraft mission target 311P/(2013 P5) PANSTARRS GMOS 1.13
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-103 Papovich LP ZF2K: The First Exploration of the K-Band Window and a Complete Census of Massive Galaxies at 4 < z < 6 Flamingos2 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230728 20231203 20231223 20231224
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-108 Crossfield LP Exo-EASY: Elemental Abundances via SpectroscopY of Exoplanet-hosting Cool Dwarfs Visitor 8.45
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230716 20230718 20230723 20230724 20230728 20230729 20230730 20230731 20231127
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-109 Benneke LP Leverage the Past For A Future With High-res Spectroscopic Phase Curves of Hot Jupiters Visitor 11.88
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-101 Ahumada US Black and Gold: Discovering and Characterizing OIR Counterparts to Neutron Star Mergers Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 11.81
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-102 Holanda BR Chemical Abundances Of Open Clusters From High-Resolution Infrared Spectra Visitor 3.72
Execution Status: complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20231126 20231127 20231128 20231130 20240130 20240202
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-103 Jeltema US DESJ0603: A unique strong lensing cluster perfect for cosmology and dark matter GMOS-S 7.45 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20240113 20240114 20240115 20240116 20240117
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-104 Pignata CL Rapid response ToO spectroscopic observations of infant Supernovae GMOS-S 3.53
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
20231224 20231225 20240103
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-105 Lee GT Atmospheric characterization of exoplanets in the sub-Jovian desert Visitor 9.62
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-106 Jaffe GT Using Near-IR H2 Lines to Probe ‘CO-Dark’ Molecular Gas at Low Metallicity Visitor 12.50
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-107 Limberg US Spectroscopic Confirmation of Extremely Metal-poor Stars from Gaia DR3 GMOS-S 20.00 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230715 20230716 20230717 20230718 20231219 20231220 20231221 20231224 20231225 20231226 20231227 20240117 20240317 20240319 20240321 20240322 20240406
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-108 Meech US 3I -- Characterizing the Third Interstellar Object GMOS-S 1.61
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-109 Balogh CA/US Distinguishing between fast and slow quenching in z=1 cluster galaxies Flamingos2 27.26 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20240112 20240113 20240120 20240123 20240126 20240131 20240827 20240914 20240915 20240916
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-110 Smith US Desert Oasis: Confiming the Detection of Water in a Neptune Desert Planet Visitor 8.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-111 Ferrari AR Supernovae and their progenitors from late-spectra GMOS-S 3.40
Execution Status: complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20240110 20240112 20240116 20240118
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-112 Benedetti Rossi BR Observing Chiron's surroundings through a stellar occultation Visitor 0.50
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-113 Kilpatrick US Identifying the Progenitors of Astrophysical Transients GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 3.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-114 Karczmarek CL The surface brightness-color relation of early type stars: Zorro observations of LMC calibrating binaries Visitor 7.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240101 20240102 20240103 20240104 20240105
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-115 Im KR Rapid Optical/NIR Follow-up Observation of Gravitational-wave Sources Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 2.70
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-116 Lim KR Testing the variation of the stellar initial mass function from young stellar clusters in the moderate starburst galaxy NGC 1313 GMOS-S 6.63 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20231218 20231222 20240106 20240127
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-117 Jacobson-Galan US Rapid Spectroscopy of Young Supernovae GMOS / GMOS-S 2.09
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-118 Levan US X-ray to radio observations of a kilonova identified in a wide field survey Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 1.41
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-119 Bryan CA Searching for the fingerprints of formation in the atmospheres of young super-Jupiters Visitor 6.69
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231126 20231211 20240203 20240211 20240228 20240301 20240306 20240411 20240418
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-120 Neilsen US Searching Winds and Jets in Black Hole State Transitions Flamingos2 6.74
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-121 Jin US Deep Gemini/GMOS Observations of JWST ASPIRE Quasars: Probing the Dominant Sources of Reionization GMOS-S 15.36 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-122 Trafton GT IGRINS Observations of Uranus' K-band H2 Emission Visitor 4.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-123 Jun KR Spectroscopic confirmation of faint z~5 quasar candidates selected by machine learning GMOS-S 6.86 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20231229 20231230 20240109 20240110 20240127 20240217 20240220 20240221 20240225 20240305 20240306 20240329 20240629
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-124 Rajkumar CL Probing clouds and hazes in an inflated warm-Jupiter: HATS-72 b GMOS-S / Visitor 5.23
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-125 Kanbur US Towards percent-level precise calibration of RR Lyrae variables and the Tip of the Red Giant Branch for the population II distance scale Flamingos2 17.55 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230927 20231130 20231202 20231203 20231204 20231205 20231208 20231210 20231211 20231212 20231213 20231218 20231221 20231224 20231225 20231226 20240104 20240106 20240107 20240122 20240123 20240124 20240125 20240130
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-126 Dias AR/BR 3D kinematics of the Magellanic Bridge clusters GMOS-S 11.28 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20231229 20231230 20240104
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-127 Debras CFH ATMOSPHERIX: ATMOSPHERic Investigation of eXoplanets Visitor 10.20 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20231201 20231209
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-128 Chrimes US Comprehensive Chandra, Gemini, JVLA and HST observations of a fast blue optical transient GMOS-S 4.55
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-129 Welbanks US Dude, where's my methane?: Searching for the atmospheric imprints of chemical disequilibrium in a warm sub-Neptune Visitor 10.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240229 20240301
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-130 Tejos CL Elucidating the Nature of GRB\,220831A's optical emission: is it a Kilonova? Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 6.09 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20231214 20231223 20231225 20240107 20240110 20240112 20240116 20240202 20240203 20240213 20240218 20240301
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-131 Tejos CL Rapid spectroscopy and deep imaging of fast optical transients from the DWF program GMOS-S 4.20
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-132 Andrews CA/US Rapid Spectroscopy of Very Young, Nearby Supernovae GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-133 Noirot CA The GLEAMing of the First Black Holes GMOS-S 5.64 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20240119 20240120 20240702 20240709 20240710
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-134 Tappert CL A narrow-band search for asymmetric nova ejecta GMOS-S 6.60 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230625 20230715 20230717 20240510 20240519 20240603 20240607
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-135 Drout CA Optical/IR Observations of A Kilonova with Gemini Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 6.00
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-136 Shu KR Investigating AGN size-luminosity relation with uniquely selected high luminosity quasars GMOS-S 3.74 [24A]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20240110 20240111 20240116 20240117
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-137 Tohuvavohu CA Identifying Optical Afterglows of Short-GRBs with Gemini GMOS-S 3.50
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-138 McCully BR/CL/US Optical to IR Observations of the Next Kilonova Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 13.21
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-139 El-Badry US The fastest stars in the Galaxy GMOS-S 6.18 [24A]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20231218 20231224 20240104 20240418 20240419 20240420
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-410 Kalari Near-infrared massive star spectral standards GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics / Visitor 0.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023B-FT-201 Tan US Revealing the Stellar Content in an supermassive high-pressure Infrared Dark Cloud Flamingos2 4.70
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230924 20230925 20231001
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-202 Wei US Pilot Observation of Westerlund 1 To Probe Star Formation From Kinematics with IGRINS Visitor 1.51
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-203 Lim KR GHOST dual target observation of a wide binary associated with Gaia-Enceladus GHOST 1.38
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-204 Farina US A pilot for the study of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest with GHOST GHOST 3.50
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231214 20231218
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-205 Choi US A Comprehensive Chemical Abundance Study of Thorne-Zytkow Object Candidate HV 2112 GHOST 3.75
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-206 Venn CA Confirming the globular cluster origin of the C-19 stream GHOST 2.04
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-207 Cerny US Detailed Chemical Abundances in the DELVE 2 Ultra-Faint Dwarf Satellite of the LMC GHOST 3.18
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231211 20231213
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-208 Huyan US Verifying Claims of a Super Metal-rich Galaxy ~1 Billion Years after the Big Bang with Gemini/GHOST GHOST 7.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231214 20231219
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-209 Sterling US A GHOSTly View of Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis in the Metal-Poor Planetary Nebula M 1-9 GHOST 2.12
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-210 Bandyopadhyay US Probing Stellar Abundance Variations in NGC 2298 to Unravel the Origins of the R-process Among its Multiple Stellar Populations GHOST 6.84
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231212 20231214 20231215 20231216 20231217
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-211 Cloutier CA Using GHOST to trace the formation histories of hot Jupiters around M dwarfs GHOST 5.42
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-FT-212 Fragkou BR Confirming the association of the planetary nebula NGC 2818 with the open cluster NGC 2818A GHOST 2.38
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231209 20231210
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-203 Schambeau LP Investigating the Activity Drivers of Small Bodies in the Centaur-to-Jupiter-Family Transition GMOS-S 8.50
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20240109 20240112 20240119 20240120 20240124
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-204 Jacobson-Galán LP A Spectroscopically Complete Census of Faint Transients Observed by the Young Supernova Experiment GMOS-S 22.73
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-206 Line LP Roasting Marshmallows: Disentangling Composition & Climate in Hot Jupiter Atmospheres through High-Resolution Thermal Emission Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy Visitor 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231129 20231204
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-LP-207 Shen LP Velocity-resolved Echo Mapping with Gemini GMOS-S 18.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-201 Bastos Pereira BR High-resolution near-infrared spectral analysis of barium stars Visitor 2.86
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230724 20230730 20230731 20231126 20231127 20231129 20231204 20240215
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-202 Sawczynec GT YSO high-precision stellar parameter survey using IGRINS Visitor 4.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-203 Lee GT Atmospheric characterization of exoplanets in the sub-Jovian desert Visitor 14.14
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-204 Ransome US Confirming and follow-up of new type IIn supernovae from the Young Supernova Experiment GMOS-S 5.09
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-205 Jeong KR Overdense Nature of Environment around High-z Hyperluminous DOGs Flamingos2 8.05
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230728 20230925 20230927 20231202 20231203 20231208 20240113 20240122
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-206 Balogh CA/US Distinguishing between fast and slow quenching in z=1 cluster galaxies Flamingos2 14.49
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230715 20230728 20230729 20230730 20230925 20231130 20231202 20240113
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-207 Ni CA Standard Spectroscopy of Infant Supernovae and Rapidly-Evolving Transients Discovered by the KMTNet Supernova Program GMOS-S 5.09
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20240127 20240131
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-208 Grossi BR Low metallicity dwarf galaxies selected from the S-PLUS survey GMOS-S 7.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231229 20231230 20240107 20240110 20240111 20240112 20240116 20240117
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-209 Nayak CL Probing the Formation Histories of NSCs in the Fornax Galaxy Cluster GMOS-S 8.09
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20240117 20240118 20240120 20240204 20240210 20240211
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-210 Seccull US Surveying the NUV-Optical Reflectance Properties of Jupiter Trojan Asteroids GMOS-S 6.36
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-211 Lim KR Near-IR spectroscopy of wide binaries hosting exoplanets Visitor 4.71
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230729 20230731 20231128
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-212 Han GT Radial velocity follow-up observations of TESS EBs Visitor 8.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231203 20231204 20231213 20240107
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-213 Man CA Characterizing the Mpc-scale environment of a massive, radio galaxy at z=2.6 Flamingos2 1.30
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-214 Xuan US Is the First T Dwarf Companion a Brown Dwarf Binary? Visitor 14.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-215 Dinerstein GT The S-Process Enrichment of the Planetary Nebula SMP LMC 58 Visitor 1.50
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231126 20231128
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-216 Watson US Outflows and feedback in a low-mass Class 0 protostar GMOS-S 14.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231224 20240111 20240112 20240113 20240116 20240121 20240122 20240123 20240124 20240125 20240316 20240322 20240323 20240324 20240325 20240326 20240327 20240328 20240914
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-217 Rho KR Near-infrared Spectroscopic Campaign of Core-Collapse Supernovae: CO and Dust Formation in SN-ejecta Flamingos2 5.10
Execution Status: complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20231129 20231225 20231226 20240119 20240127
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-218 De Furio US The Origin of the Galactic Field: Exploring Star Formation through Multiplicity in two Orion OB Associations Visitor 11.20
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240101 20240102 20240103 20240105
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-219 Tetarenko CA Mapping the structure of black hole accretion discs with Gemini/GMOS GMOS-S 8.50
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-220 Escudero AR Decoding the Mystery of the HI Ring in LGG 138 Group GMOS-S 5.45
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20240116 20240117 20240118 20240120 20240201 20240202
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-221 Ribeiro BR First attempt to understand the Raman OVI emission-line variability of symbiotics systems in the LMC GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231219 20231223 20231224 20231230 20240106 20240107 20240108
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-222 Rajkumar CL Probing clouds and hazes in an inflated warm-Jupiter: HATS-72 b GMOS-S / Visitor 6.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-223 Buckley-Geer US A Galaxy Redshift Survey of the Line-of-Sight Environment of four quadruply imaged Lensed Quasars GMOS-S 31.05
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231222 20231223 20240110 20240111 20240112 20240115 20240116 20240117 20240123 20240131 20240202 20240210
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-224 Rauscher US Tracing the Day-Night Structure of WASP-76b with Multi-Phase High-Resolution Spectroscopy Visitor 10.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-225 Lester US Visual Orbits of Exoplanet Host Binaries Visitor 4.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240101 20240102 20240103 20240105
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-226 Dias CL 3D kinematics of the Magellanic Bridge clusters GMOS-S 13.56
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231230 20240105 20240109 20240110 20240111 20240112 20240113
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-227 Welbanks US The Elemental Abundance Inventory of a Rare Jovian Mass Planet around and M-dwarf Visitor 7.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-228 Tejos CL Mapping large-scale structures towards fast radio bursts for probing diffuse baryons GMOS-S 5.82
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-229 Koss US Hidden Mergers in Luminous Obscured AGN GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 10.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-230 Moss CA/US A Hunt for Transitioning Atmospheres in White Dwarfs GMOS-S 7.64
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240117 20240121 20240130 20240131 20240201
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-231 Xu CA Infrared Excesses around White Dwarfs Flamingos2 4.11
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230723 20230730 20230924 20230927 20231225 20231229 20240104 20240112
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-232 Gomez US Probing the Spectroscopic Diversity of Superluminous Supernovae with FLEET GMOS-S 4.55
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023B-FT-301 Placco US The ancient Milky Way through the most Gaia BP/RP metal-poor stars GHOST 2.25
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20231211 20231212
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-301 Jeltema US Probing Dark Matter Self Interaction with Strong Lensing Clusters GMOS-S 14.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-302 Lopes de Oliveira BR Revealing shy cataclysmic variables GMOS-S 7.22
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231219 20231222 20231230 20231231 20240101
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-303 Sawczynec GT YSO high-precision stellar parameter survey using IGRINS Visitor 12.12
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230929 20231001 20231130 20231201 20231202 20231208 20231212 20240109
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-304 Micic US Pushing the limits with Gemini: AGN in extremely faint dwarf galaxies GMOS-S 5.64
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240112 20240118
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-305 Lee GT Searching for Red Supigaint in inner Galaxy Visitor 1.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-306 Lee GT IGRINS Survey of Galactic Post-AGB Stars Visitor 3.75
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230731 20231128 20231201
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-307 Lee GT IGRINS observation of chemically peculiar stars Visitor 0.60
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230731 20231129 20231201
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-308 Dage CA High Resolution Spectroscopy of NGC 1399's Extensive Globular Cluster System GMOS-S 24.37
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230704 20240107 20240108 20240109
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-309 Limberg BR Spectroscopic Confirmation of Extremely Metal-poor Stars from Gaia DR3 GMOS-S 4.09
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230716 20230717 20231222 20231229 20231230 20231231 20240117
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-310 Benecchi US Pole Positions of Two New Horizons KBOs GMOS-S 26.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-311 Azzollini US Revealing the physics of neutrino-emitter active galaxies through spectroscopy with the Gemini Facilities GMOS-S 7.18
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231231 20240101 20240102 20240103
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-312 Karczmarek CL The surface brightness-color relation of early type stars: Zorro observations of LMC calibrating binaries Visitor 6.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-313 Rivera Sandoval US Investigating the outburst dichotomy in ultracompact white dwarf binaries GMOS-S 1.27
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-314 Hinkel GT Chemical Assessment of M-dwarfs and Their Rocky Exoplanets Visitor 1.75
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230728 20230730 20230928 20231208 20231210
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-315 Lim KR Near-IR spectroscopy of wide binaries hosting exoplanets Visitor 5.36
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230729 20230731 20231001 20231127 20231202
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-316 Man CA Submm-selected PrOTocLustErS Survey (SPOTLESS) on GEMINI Flamingos2 12.73
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230922 20230923 20230924 20230925 20230927 20230928
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-317 Hartman US Discovering Close Companions to Galactic Halo Stars Visitor 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240101 20240102 20240103 20240105
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-318 Gamen AR The stellar population harbored in the star formation complex RCW 122 Flamingos2 0.57
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-319 Grondin CA Gemini Spectroscopy of Candidate Post-Common Envelope Binaries in Milky Way Clusters GMOS-S 3.73
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230715 20230716 20231229 20231230 20231231 20240120
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-320 Jencson US Spectrophotometric Time Series of Eta Carinae's Great Eruption GMOS-S 12.45
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-321 Jun KR Spectroscopic confirmation of faint z~5 quasar candidates selected by machine learning GMOS-S 7.27
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-322 Fernandez Trincado CL Unveiling the chemical fingerprint of bright N-rich giants in the K-band region of IGRINS Visitor 5.06
Execution Status: complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20230717 20230721 20230722 20230728 20230922 20230928 20230929 20231001 20231211 20240109
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-323 Buckley-Geer US A Galaxy Redshift Survey of the Line-of-Sight Environment of four quadruply imaged Lensed Quasars GMOS-S 15.53
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-324 Brucker US ToO: Recovery of High Priority Potentially Hazardous Objects GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-325 Ennis AR Nature versus nurture in isolation: the case of NGC 1172 GMOS-S 2.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-326 Wierzchos US Astrometric observations of five Potentially Hazardous Asteroids GMOS-S 1.80
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-327 Barrientos US Completing the Task: Wide Double White Dwarfs Binaries for Fundamental Tests of Cooling Physics GMOS-S 6.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-328 Tappert CL A narrow-band search for asymmetric nova ejecta GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230629 20230715
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-329 Jewett US The Upper Mass Limit and Merger Fraction of Massive White Dwarfs GMOS-S 28.18
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20231220 20231221 20231223 20231231 20240101 20240107 20240108 20240109 20240110 20240111 20240113 20240114 20240118 20240204
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-330 Hernandez US Stellar vs ISM: What are the True Abundances of Star-Forming Galaxies? GMOS-S 16.82
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20240106 20240107 20240110 20240112 20240120 20240121 20240122 20240131 20240203 20240221
Completion Status:
GS-2023B-Q-331 Rodriguez AR Looking for elusive companions in massive binaries Visitor 0.58
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
Queue Summary | Gemini Observatory


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