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Queue Summary

Content owned by pablo.martin

Semester 2023A - GS Band 1-3 Programs

The table below summarizes the Gemini queue programs and their execution status. This page is updated once per day.

The columns in the table are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Participant (AR, BR, CA, CL, KR, UH, US) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Semesters shown in square brackets e.g. [] indicate that the program can be carried over to the specified semester.
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

Show queue summary for semester at Gemini

GS Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023A-DD-102 Chrimes DD Comprehensive Chandra, Gemini, JVLA and HST observations of a fast blue optical transient GMOS / GMOS-S 5.00
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20230423 20230430 20230511 20230513 20230515
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-103 Pacucci DD Confirming the Detection of a SMBH in the Milky Way Satellite Leo I with Gemini South GMOS-S 5.87
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230322 20230405
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-104 O'Connor DD The distance and energetics of the second brightest GRB of all time GMOS-S 2.83
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230310 20230311 20230315 20230316
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-105 Levan DD The near-IR counterpart to GRB 230307A Flamingos2 2.20
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20230316 20230318 20230319 20230323
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-106 Dichiara DD Searching for the SN associated with the extremely bright GRB 230307A Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 3.61
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20230323 20230325
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-107 Street DD Spectroscopic characterising of a nearby microlensing event GMOS-S 1.19
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230330 20230401 20230501
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-108 Ighina DD Spectroscopic confirmation of a z~5.7 blazar GMOS / GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230516 20230517 20230521 20230615 20230616 20230617 20230620
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-DD-109 Castro Segura DD The interplay of winds and jets in black-hole X-ray binaries Flamingos2 2.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-101 Schroeder US Uncovering the Mechanism Behind SGRB 210726A's Mysterious Afterglow GMOS-S 0.95
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230215 20230217
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-102 Meisner US A Newly Discovered Y-type Subdwarf Candidate Flamingos2 2.39
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-103 Trouille US Zorro Follow-up of an Exoplanet Candidate Transiting an Evolved Star Visitor 0.60
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-104 Dumontier CA The [Cl III] lines of the wind blown WR bubble nebula NGC 2359 GMOS-S 2.04
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230311 20230316 20230319 20230320 20230323
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-105 Seccull US Is the Solar System's Second Largest Asteroid Actually in the Kuiper Belt? GMOS-S 2.88
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230406 20230418 20230419 20230420 20230421 20230423 20230425
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-106 Sanchez US An updated look at a keystone planet: Obtaining a precise metallicity measurement of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b Visitor 5.34
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230411 20230412
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-107 El-Badry US The fastest stars in the Galaxy GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230628 20230629 20230630
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-108 Venuti US Characterization of Newly Identified Young Eclipsing Binaries in the Lagoon Nebula Cluster Visitor 4.34
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230427 20230501 20230505 20230508 20230615 20230616 20230617 20230618
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-109 LeBaron US The first NIR nebular spectroscopy of a Ic-BL SN at >200 days after explosion Flamingos2 2.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230605 20230628 20230630
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-110 Kerzendorf US A Pilot study: The merger history of the Milky Way nuclear star cluster Visitor 3.61
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230608 20230615 20230616 20230618
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-111 Chan US Confirming the highest-redshift AGN acting as a strong gravitational lens GMOS-S 1.90
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230617 20230625
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-112 Dage CA Variability of RZ2109's [OIII] emission line GMOS-S 5.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230611 20230618 20230625 20230714 20230715 20230717 20230718
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-113 Grondin CA A new post-common envelope binary candidate in the open cluster Alessi 12 GMOS-S 4.56
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-114 Theissen US High-resolution Near-infrared Observations of a Planetary-mass Binary Visitor 2.25
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-115 Cartier US Nebular observations of the first SN Ic with bumpy light curves and periodic undulations Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 3.35
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230629 20230630 20230701 20230924 20230926 20231203 20231204 20231205 20231227 20231231 20240104
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-103 Papovich LP ZF2K: The First Exploration of the K-Band Window and a Complete Census of Massive Galaxies at 4 < z < 6 Flamingos2 36.36
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230228 20230301 20230303 20230308 20230315
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-104 Hsieh LP Observational Characterization of Recurrently Active Main-Belt Comets and Near-Earth Main-Belt Comet Candidates GMOS-S 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230213 20230215 20230216 20230217 20230219 20230226 20230302 20230315 20230316 20230319 20230324 20230410 20230414 20230420 20230423 20230425 20230509 20230530 20230609 20230615 20230625 20230716
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-105 Howell LP Validation and Characterization of Exoplanets with Gemini HIgh-Resolution Imaging Visitor 40.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230304 20230305 20230306 20230407 20230408 20230425 20230508 20230527 20230528 20230701 20230702 20230703 20230704 20230705 20230706 20230707
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-101 Ordenes-Huanca CL Spectroscopic confirmation of FU Orionis candidates Flamingos2 4.96 [23B]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230228 20230302 20230303 20230308 20230310
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-102 Ahumada US Black and Gold: Discovering and Characterizing OIR Counterparts to Neutron Star Mergers Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 3.88
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-103 Cuadra CL Relativistic orbits and star formation in the Galactic Centre GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 10.00 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230530 20230602
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-104 Mora CL Resolving Malin 1 double nucleus GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 4.00 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-105 Kimura JP Search for Optical Counterparts of Cosmic High-Energy Neutrinos GMOS-S 9.46
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230318 20230323 20230324
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-106 Rastinejad US Investigating the Sites of R-Process Nucleosynthesis with Strategic Follow-Up of a Nearby Long Gamma-Ray Burst Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 5.05
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-107 Mansfield US The final puzzle piece: Completing the picture of the most-studied JWST hot Jupiter exoplanet with Gemini-S/IGRINS Visitor 11.60
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230220 20230319 20230323 20230409 20230427 20230501 20230731 20231213 20240130
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-108 Lee GT High-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of periodic outbursting YSOs Visitor 1.31
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230316 20230403
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-109 Lee GT High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of two sub-Saturns with IGRINS Visitor 6.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-110 Lee KR High-Redshift Galaxies in Cosmic Filaments and Protoclusters GMOS-S 4.57 [23B]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230221 20230222 20230223 20230225 20230226 20230227 20230301 20230304
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-111 Dang CA Resolving the Multidimensional Nature of CoRoT-2b’s Westward Hotspot Offset Visitor 10.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230502 20230629
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-112 Wong US Probing surface inhomogeneities on Patroclus-Menoetius through hemispherically-resolved spectroscopy GMOS-S 1.36 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-113 Meech US 3I -- Characterizing the Third Interstellar Object GMOS-S 1.61
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-114 Ni CA Rapid Spectroscopy of Infant Supernovae and Rapidly-Evolving Transients Discovered by the KMTNet Supernova Program GMOS-S 1.27
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-115 Giudici Michilini AR A High Resolution Near Infrared Spectral Atlas of O stars Visitor 0.65
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230210 20230219
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-116 Ferrari AR Supernovae and their progenitors from late-spectra GMOS-S 4.50
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230316 20230323 20230329 20230330 20230716
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-117 Kilpatrick US Identifying the Progenitors of Astrophysical Transients GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 3.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230530 20230603
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-118 Chornock US Mining the Gravitational Wave Sky Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 4.82
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-119 Park KR Spectroscopy Follow-up of Infant Supernovae and Peculiar Transients Found in the KMTNet Supernova Program GMOS-S 4.55
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-120 Hinkel GT Chemical Assessment of M-dwarfs and Their Rocky Exoplanets Visitor 6.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230210 20230219 20230331
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-121 Im KR Rapid Optical/NIR Follow-up Observation of Gravitational-wave Sources Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-122 Kim KR Circumstellar anatomy in time: the closest carbon star CW Leo GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 2.90 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230308 20240126
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-123 Lim KR Constraining the stellar initial mass function of young stellar clusters in the Antennae galaxies and the Whirlpool galaxy GMOS-S 3.97 [23B]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230213 20230214 20230216 20230220 20230228
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-124 Han GT Radial velocity follow-up observations of TESS EBs Visitor 8.25
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230216 20230220 20230221 20230326 20230329 20230402 20230410 20230427 20230428 20230730
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-125 Chilingarian US The anatomy of a ram pressure induced starburst in IC3476: how many stars are formed and when do they form? GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 9.80 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-126 Chun GT Detailed spectroscopic study of the new globular cluster associated with accretion event in the Milky Way bulge Visitor 6.35
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230318 20230403 20230404 20230406 20230409
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-127 Ho US The Landscape of Relativistic Stellar Explosions GMOS-S 2.18
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20230220 20230419
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-128 Monaco CL Searching for Bulge Fossil Fragments to redesign the assembling history of the Galactic Bulge GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 12.00 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230601 20230602 20230605
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-129 Carrasco CA The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS) GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 4.00 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230307 20230309 20230310 20230530 20230602
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-130 O'Connor US Identifying the fingerprints of r-process heavy metals in a short GRB Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 9.02
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
20230220 20230221 20230223 20230708 20230717
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-131 Kanbur US Completing Gemini-F2 near-infrared monitoring of RR Lyrae in globular clusters Flamingos2 10.00 [23B]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230125 20230126 20230127 20230310 20230311 20230315 20230317 20230318 20230319 20230329 20230331 20230401 20230403 20230404 20230405 20230406 20230409 20230410 20230415 20230420 20230424 20230425 20230426 20230427 20230505 20230511
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-132 Arias AR/BR The B[e] phenomenon seen by IGRINS infrared eyes III Visitor 1.56
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230220 20230319 20230326 20230404 20230406
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-133 Debras CFH ATMOSPHERIX: ATMOSPHERic Investigation of eXoplanets Visitor 11.20
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230325 20230403
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-134 Telles BR Old stars and Super Star Clusters in metal poor dwarf starburst galaxies Flamingos2 / GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 17.40 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230126 20230307 20230309 20230310 20230311 20230322 20230530 20230601 20230602 20230605 20230609
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-135 Winters US Discovering Stellar Companions to M Dwarfs at Solar System Planet Separations Visitor 16.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230407 20230408 20230701 20230702 20230704 20230705
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-136 Backhaus US Optical Spectroscopy of JWST ERO galaxies GMOS-S 19.36 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230317 20230327 20230328 20230415 20230517 20230520 20230521 20240110 20240112 20240113 20240115 20240116 20240117 20240121 20240122
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-137 Andrews US Rapid Spectroscopy of Very Young, Nearby Supernovae GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20230414 20230512 20230515 20230516
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-138 Tinyanont US Rapid Spectroscopy of Young Supernovae GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-139 Siebert US Measuring the Effect of Progenitor Metallicity on Type Ia Supernova Distance Estimates GMOS-S 0.64
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-140 Drout CA Optical/IR Observations of A Kilonova with Gemini Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 3.03
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-141 Eikenberry GT Mining the Galactic Center with FLAMINGOS-2 Flamingos2 11.36 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230708 20240511 20240517
Completion Status:
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230304 20230305 20230306 20230407 20230408 20230528 20230703 20230704 20230705
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-601 Tominaga JP High-cadence transient survey: Variations of last moment of massive stars GMOS / GMOS-S 7.41
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
20230327 20230328 20230329 20230330 20230424
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-602 Lee KR First direct measurement of bar pattern speed for galaxies at z > 0.1 GMOS-S 8.40 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230420 20230421 20230503 20230506 20230521
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-603 Stern CA The GLEAMing of the First Black Holes GMOS-S 1.91 [23B]
Execution Status: complete / persistent Dates Taken:
20230123 20230124 20230209
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-604 Willner US Disentangling radiating particle properties and jet physics from M87 multi-wavelength variability Flamingos2 3.00 [23B]
Execution Status: persistent Dates Taken:
20230225 20230317 20230329 20230330 20230409 20230427 20230605
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-605 Zimmerman US Infant Supernovae: Observing Massive Stars as they Explode from the Ground and Space GMOS / GMOS-S 6.36
Execution Status: RToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023A-FT-201 Khostovan US Strong Outflows from a z ~ 2.5 CIV Emitter: Star-forming or AGN driven? Flamingos2 2.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230415 20230418 20230430 20230501 20230519 20230601 20230602
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-202 Wierzchos US Astrometric observations of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2015 NK13 GMOS-S 1.07
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230213 20230215
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-203 Welbanks US Dude, where's my methane?: Searching for the atmospheric imprints of chemical disequilibrium in a warm sub-Neptune Visitor 5.18
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-204 Rocha Gonçalves BR Low metallicity dwarf galaxies selected from S-PLUS - a pilot program GMOS-S 4.24
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230215 20230218 20230220
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-205 Yamamoto JP The massive nature and star-formation history of high-z radio galaxies GMOS-S 3.33
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230316 20230324 20230328
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-206 Luhman US Completing a Survey for Members of the TW Hya Association GMOS-S 3.58
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230306 20230308
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-207 Kanumalla US Dude, who puffed my marshmallow?: Understanding the conditions that give rise to the inflated atmosphere of WASP-127b Visitor 4.78
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230611 20230628
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-208 Owens US Identifying galaxy-lensed Lyman-alpha emitters GMOS-S 1.88
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-209 Farina US A young lensed quasar at cosmic dawn Flamingos2 1.70
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-210 Xu US A Phase Curve of an Ultra Hot Jupiter Candidate around a White Dwarf Flamingos2 4.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-211 Jencson US Light Echo Spectroscopy of Eta Carinae's Great Eruption GMOS-S 3.60
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230610 20230611
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-212 Lopes de Oliveira BR Validating a new approach to reveal cataclysmic variable systems GMOS-S 1.17
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230601 20230610
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-213 Benecchi US Identifying an Asteroid Interloper in the Trans-Neptunian Region GMOS-S 3.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-214 Lejoly US Recovery of One Potentially Hazardous Near Earth Asteroid GMOS-S 0.60
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-FT-215 Baravalle AR The VVV-NIRGC Deep Survey. A pilot study to confirm the existence of the Norma Bridge Flamingos2 1.68
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230922 20230923
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-203 Schambeau LP Investigating the Activity Drivers of Small Bodies in the Centaur-to-Jupiter-Family Transition GMOS-S 12.90
Execution Status: complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20230128 20230223 20230224 20230225 20230227 20230325 20230415 20230420 20230425 20230501 20230516 20230525 20230601 20230602 20230608 20230609 20230611 20230615 20230616
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-204 Jacobson-Galán LP A Spectroscopically Complete Census of Faint Transients Observed by the Young Supernova Experiment GMOS-S 22.73
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230209 20230210 20230228 20230324 20230327 20230515 20230714 20230719
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-LP-206 Line LP Roasting Marshmallows: Disentangling Composition & Climate in Hot Jupiter Atmospheres through High-Resolution Thermal Emission Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy Visitor 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230410 20230503 20230505 20230625
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-201 Panda BR Strong Calcium triplet emitting active galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere GMOS-S 2.96
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230128 20230129
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-202 Higa AR Looking for elusive companions in massive binaries Visitor 0.56
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230219 20230326
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-203 Crossfield US Elemental Abundances of JWST's Exoplanet Host Stars Visitor 10.16
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230120 20230220 20230318 20230326 20230401 20230428 20230607 20230609 20230617 20230618
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-204 Blanchard US Probing the Power Sources of Superluminous Supernovae with Nebular Phase Spectroscopy GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230224 20230226 20230228 20230302
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-205 De US Revealing hidden stellar disruptions in our backyard with Gemini spectroscopy GMOS-S 1.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230306 20230531 20230601 20230608 20230609 20230611 20230612 20230629
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-206 Lee GT High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of two sub-Saturns with IGRINS Visitor 10.25
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230411 20230423
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-207 Lee KR Searching for the missing FUor outbursts Visitor 7.76
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230219 20230315 20230316 20230317 20230318
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-208 Wang KR Investigating AGN size-luminosity relation with uniquely selected high luminosity quasars GMOS-S 4.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230209 20230212 20230228 20230303 20230315 20230322 20230327 20230516 20230521 20230714
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-209 Giudici Michilini AR A High Resolution Near Infrared Spectral Atlas of O stars Visitor 1.53
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230326 20230330
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-210 Choi KR To quantify the effects of high irradiation on the lower and upper atmospheres of ultra hot Jupiters Visitor 5.70
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230624 20230717 20230729
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-211 Guzik US Prompt characterization of the next interstellar visitor 3I GMOS-S 14.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-212 Bryan CA Searching for the fingerprints of formation in the atmospheres of young super-Jupiters Visitor 13.32
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230412 20230428 20230731
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-213 Neilsen US Searching Winds and Jets in Black Hole State Transitions Flamingos2 8.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-214 Theissen US Abundances and Kinematics of Ultracool Dwarf Planet Host Twin Stars Visitor 8.07
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230331 20230401 20230406 20230412 20230626 20230630
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-215 Gordon CL Navigating the Host Galaxy Environments of Fast Radio Bursts with Gemini Flamingos2 / GMOS-S 8.45
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230225 20230316 20230318 20230516 20230530 20230616
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-216 Chun GT Detailed spectroscopic study of the new globular cluster associated with accretion event in the Milky Way bulge Visitor 4.81
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230624 20230625 20230627 20230630
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-217 Tetarenko CA Mapping the structure of black hole accretion discs with Gemini/GMOS GMOS-S 8.55
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-218 Rescigno CL The first strong gravitational lensing model of a high-redshift Coma cluster progenitor: total mass distribution and evolutionary perspective GMOS-S 14.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230403 20230404 20230412 20230613 20230615 20230618 20230625 20230626 20230627
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-219 Caso AR Looking for the mass profile of NGC 6876, a bright elliptical in a sparse environment GMOS-S 2.82
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230214 20230318 20230414 20230503 20230514
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-220 Souto BR Improving and Expanding the M dwarf APOGEE line list to the K band Visitor 12.98
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-221 Guo CL High-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of periodic outbursting YSOs Visitor 2.69
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230501 20230728
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-222 Rauscher US Tracing the Day-Night Structure of WASP-121b with Multi-Phase High-Resolution Spectroscopy Visitor 12.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-223 Wardenier US Guilt by Dissociation: Searching for Thermochemical Gradients in an Ultra-Hot Jupiter Visitor 13.60
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230413 20230426 20230427
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-224 Klingler US Resolving the First Bow Shock Pulsar Wind Nebula in Near-IR GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 4.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-225 Tejos CL Mapping large-scale structures towards fast radio bursts for probing diffuse baryons GMOS-S 9.82
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230414 20230428 20230509 20230514 20230516 20230517 20230627 20230701 20230714
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-226 Winters US Discovering Stellar Companions to M Dwarfs at Solar System Planet Separations Visitor 14.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230407 20230408 20230527 20230528 20230701 20230702
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-227 Moss CA/US Finishing The Job: The 100 pc White Dwarf Sample in the SDSS Footprint GMOS-S 17.27
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230125 20230126 20230127 20230128 20230129 20230130 20230215 20230217 20230218 20230219 20230220 20230221 20230222 20230223 20230227 20230302 20230316 20230419 20230424 20230427
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-228 Tinyanont US Completing a near-infrared census of astrophysical transients Flamingos2 29.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230318 20230319 20230324 20230409 20230420 20230421 20230426 20230511 20230604 20230605 20230609 20230610 20230615 20230618 20230624 20230625 20230626 20230627 20230629 20230630 20230702 20230703 20230925
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-229 Shaw US Resolving an interloper in the direction of the black hole BW Cir GSAOI+GeMS Adaptive Optics 1.20
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-230 Lucey GT Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Inner Galaxy Visitor 12.50
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230331 20230402 20230403 20230405 20230406 20230411 20230425 20230426 20230505 20230508 20230608 20230615
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-231 Sanchez US Getting the Full Picture: Building a 3D map of ultra-hot Jupiter day sides through post eclipse observations Visitor 14.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-701 Kim KR What Makes Lyman Alpha Escape from galaxies? Unveiling the Density Bounded Green Peas GMOS-S 8.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230225 20230301 20230329 20230331 20230403
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-702 Faifer AR/BR The assembly of massive elliptical galaxies in the local universe: the case of NGC 5018 GMOS-S 6.56
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230222 20230317 20230328 20230329 20230330 20230331
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-703 Lee KR Constraints on the quenching mechanism of the most massive, passive red disk galaxies at z~1.5 Flamingos2 8.50
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230318 20230319 20230409 20230410 20230425
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-704 Blakeslee US The Formation Epochs and Timescales of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters GMOS-S 6.18
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230125 20230126 20230127 20230224 20230225 20230226 20230227
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-705 Negro US Funded Fermi GI proposal: Looking for blazars outflows. GMOS-S 1.90
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230510 20230513
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-706 Tominaga JP High-cadence transient survey: Variations of last moment of massive stars GMOS / GMOS-S 2.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2023A-Q-301 Ordenes-Huanca CL Spectroscopic confirmation of FU Orionis candidates Flamingos2 8.88
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230306 20230307 20230322 20230326 20230401 20230404
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-302 Panda BR Strong Calcium triplet emitting active galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere Flamingos2 3.60
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230429 20230502 20230504 20230728
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-303 Sawczynec GT High-precision YSO parameters in Ophiuchus Visitor 9.89
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230323 20230324 20230404 20230405 20230406 20230409 20230411 20230413 20230414 20230415 20230422 20230423 20230429 20230430
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-304 Ryde US Chemical Characterization of Giants in the Galactic Center Visitor 13.41
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230323 20230324 20230404 20230405 20230409 20230423 20230426 20230428 20230429 20230430
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-305 Lee GT High-resolution transmission spectroscopy of two sub-Saturns with IGRINS Visitor 9.25
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230430 20230628 20230714
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-306 Lee KR/US High-Redshift Galaxies in Cosmic Filaments and Protoclusters GMOS-S 13.75
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-307 Wang KR Investigating AGN size-luminosity relation with uniquely selected high luminosity quasars GMOS-S 2.27
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230303 20230306 20230324 20230430 20230503
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-308 Zhang US Elemental Abundances for Host Stars of Imaged Exoplanets and Benchmark Brown Dwarfs Visitor 5.39
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230209 20230323 20230324 20230326 20230327 20230413 20230414
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-309 Hong GT High-resolution spectroscopy of wide binaries associated with accretion events Visitor 1.20
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-310 Leung US Characterising the nature of newly detected orphan radio afterglow candidate GMOS-S 1.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230403 20230404 20230424 20230503
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-311 Giudici Michilini AR A High Resolution Near Infrared Spectral Atlas of O stars Visitor 2.99
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230220 20230327 20230401
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-312 Dalal CL Testing the hierarchical structure buildup scenario with distant clusters GMOS-S 9.91
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-313 Kim KR Spectroscopic identification of variable sources from KMTNet TMT GMOS-S 6.82
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230301 20230303 20230304 20230330 20230331 20230411 20230412 20230413
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-314 Wasserman US The Young Supernova Experiment: Constructing the Reference low-z Supernova Sample for Cosmology GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status: SToO Dates Taken:
20230323 20230402 20230403 20230404 20230405 20230411 20230519 20230520 20230524 20230525
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-315 Hartman US Resolving Close Companions to Galactic Halo Stars Visitor 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230304 20230305 20230306 20230407 20230408 20230527 20230701 20230702 20230703 20230704 20230705 20230706 20230707
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-316 Hallakoun US Probing the binarity of the 20pc white dwarf population Visitor 27.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230207 20230304 20230305 20230407 20230408 20230527 20230528 20230701 20230702 20230704 20230705 20230706 20230707
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-317 Oio CL Halpha observations of the most extreme [OIII] outflow candidates in the COSMOS field GMOS-S 3.55
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-318 Citro US The Extreme Census of the Local Universe: Building a large sample of nearby, highly-ionized galaxies GMOS-S 20.82
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230128 20230130 20230219 20230222 20230223 20230224 20230225 20230228 20230301 20230302 20230303 20230325 20230411 20230413 20230415 20230418 20230419 20230420 20230421 20230422 20230424 20230425 20230426 20230429 20230501 20230502
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-319 Dykaar CA Proposed Spectroscopic Followup of Radio-Identified TDE Candidates GMOS-S 6.00
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230227 20230303 20230306 20230316 20230317 20230323 20230324 20230415 20230416 20230418
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-320 Buckley-Geer US A Galaxy Redshift Survey of the Line-of-Sight Environment of a quadruply imaged Lensed Quasar GMOS-S 11.09
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230317 20230324 20230325 20230326 20230327 20230401 20230414 20230415 20230423 20230425 20230531 20230609 20230610 20230613 20230614 20230617 20230629 20230630
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-321 Roediger CA The Formation Epochs and Timescales of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters GMOS-S 20.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230325 20230425 20230427 20230429
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-322 Lester US Visual Orbits of Exoplanet Host Binaries Visitor 4.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230305 20230407 20230527 20230528 20230703 20230704
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-323 Carpes BR The inner structure of OH Megamaser galaxies GMOS-S 8.18
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230222 20230223 20230225 20230226 20230301 20230304 20230324
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-324 Wierzchos US Astrometric observations of seven Potentially Hazardous Asteroids. GMOS-S 9.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230413 20230617 20230618 20230629
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-325 Barrientos CA Wide Double White Dwarfs Binaries for Fundamental Tests of Cooling Physics GMOS-S 3.82
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230217 20230225 20230226 20230401 20230525 20230530
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-326 Bayliss US A Dynamical Study of an HST+Chandra Sample of Strong Lensing Clusters GMOS-S 12.27
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20230222 20230223 20230225 20230226 20230227 20230412 20230413 20230415 20230613 20230617 20230618 20240501 20240504
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-327 Moss CA/US Finishing The Job: The 100 pc White Dwarf Sample in the SDSS Footprint GMOS-S 12.55
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230212 20230219 20230223 20230224 20230227 20230301 20230303 20230306 20230323 20230327 20230411 20230413 20230414 20230415 20230420 20230421 20230422 20230423
Completion Status:
GS-2023A-Q-328 Jewett CA The Merger Fraction of Massive White Dwarfs: Implications for the Common Envelope Evolution GMOS-S 4.91
Execution Status: complete Dates Taken:
20230217 20230223 20230419 20230422 20230424 20230425 20230429 20230501 20230509 20230525
Completion Status: