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Queue Summary

Content owned by pablo.martin

Semester 2022B - GN Poor Weather Programs

The table below summarizes the Gemini queue programs and their execution status. This page is updated once per day.

The columns in the table are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Participant (AR, BR, CA, CL, KR, UH, US) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Semesters shown in square brackets e.g. [] indicate that the program can be carried over to the specified semester.
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

Show queue summary for semester at Gemini

GN Poor Weather Queue
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2022B-Q-401 Wang GS Investigating AGN Size-Luminosity Relation with Uniquely Selected High Luminosity Quasars GMOS 4.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20220823 20220829 20220912 20220924 20220927 20220929 20221004
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-402 Seccull GS A Search for Fainter Solar Calibrators GMOS / GMOS-S 61.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20220823 20220904 20220906 20220912 20220927 20221006
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-403 Tanaka GS NIR spectroscopy of chemically peculiar stars toward identification of lanthanide elements in kilonova spectra GNIRS 1.90
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-404 Rose GS Constraining a Redshift Dependent Type Ia Supernova Mass Step with Improved Stellar Mass Measurements NIRI 10.80
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-405 Weidmann GS Providing quality data from probable planetary nebulae GMOS 28.10
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
20220905 20220920 20220924 20220927
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-406 Gamen GS The spectroscopic orbit of a detached eclipsing massive system GMOS 4.40
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-407 Cochetti GS Physical properties of the circumestellar envelope of the Be star 12 Vul GNIRS 0.32
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-408 Clayton GS A rare Hydrogen-deficient supergiant star that is possibly going through a transitional phase GMOS 0.50
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2022B-Q-409 Im GS All-sky Bright Complete QSO Survey (ALLBRICQS) in North GMOS 47.00
Execution Status: Dates Taken:
Completion Status: