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Schedules and Queue Test

Content owned by pablo.martin

$current_year = date(Y); $current_month = date(m); $current_day = date(d); if ($current_month == 1) {$current_semester = ($current_year-1) . "B";} elseif ($current_month >= 2 & $current_month<=7) {$current_semester = $current_year . "A";} elseif ($current_month >= 8) {$current_semester = $current_year . "B";} $current_letter = substr( $current_semester , 4); //-- ######### --> $semester = $current_semester; $site = "North" ; $queue = "schedQueue" ; //-- ######## --> function getOkSemesters($first_semester,$last_semester){ $fisrt_year = substr($first_semester,0,4); $last_year = substr($last_semester ,0,4); $push_array = FALSE; $ok_semesters = array(); foreach( range($fisrt_year,$last_year) as $fyear){ foreach ( array("A","B") as $fletter ){ $fsemester = $fyear . $fletter; if ($fsemester == $first_semester) {$push_array = TRUE;} if ($push_array) {array_push( $ok_semesters , $fsemester );} if ($fsemester == $last_semester) {$push_array = FALSE;} } } return $ok_semesters; } $ok_semesters = getOkSemesters("2004A",$current_semester); //-- ############ --> //-- ########## --> if ( in_array($check_sem, $ok_semesters) ) {$semester = $check_sem;} //-- ############ --> $check_site = strtoupper( substr($check_site,0,1) ); if ( $check_site == "N") {$site = "North";} elseif ( $check_site == "S") {$site = "South";} //-- ########### --> $check_queue = strtoupper($check_queue); $check_array = array("SQ","QUEUE","SCHED","SCHEDULE","BANDS","SCHEDQUEUE"); if ( in_array($check_queue, $check_array) ){ $queue = "schedQueue"; } $check_array = array("DDT","DIRECTORSTIME","DT","DDTIME"); if ( in_array($check_queue, $check_array) ){ $queue = "ddTime"; } $check_array = array("LP","LLP","LARGE","LARGEPROGRAMS","LARGEPROGSCHEDQUEUE"); if ( in_array($check_queue, $check_array) ){ $queue = "largeProgSchedQueue"; } $check_array = array("FT","FAST","TURNAROUND","FASTTURNAROUND","FTTIME"); if ( in_array($check_queue, $check_array) ){ $queue = "ftTime"; } $check_array = array("PW","POOR","POORWEATHER","BAD","BADWEATHER","WEATHER","BADWEATHERSCHEDQUEUE"); if ( in_array($check_queue, $check_array) ){ $queue = "badWeatherSchedQueue"; } //-- ########### --> $year = substr($semester , 0,4); $letter = substr($semester , 4 ); if ($letter === 'B'){$presemester = $year ."A";} elseif ($letter === 'A'){$presemester = ($year-1)."B";} $sub_site = substr($site,0,1); $sub_site_low = strtolower($sub_site); $semester_low = strtolower($semester); $presemester_low = strtolower($presemester); $sub_semester = substr($semester ,2); $sub_presemester = substr($presemester,2); ?>

Semester Overview 

Nightlogs overviews


Semester Schedules

These links give the telescope schedule for each of Gemini North and South, for each semester. The available instrumentation is shown, as well as planned engineering, commissioning and classical nights. 

Queue Summary

These links list the queue programs for the semester at both Gemini North and South. The completion status is shown, as the percentage of the time allocated that has been executed. Dates when the program was observed are also given. These pages are updated daily.

Classical Schedule

These links list the calendar dates for classical runs at Gemini North and South, as well as Keck and Subaru, for any exchange programs allocated time in that semester.

Current Status of Queue

Current Instrument Configurations

These links show what instruments are on each telescope, and the current configuration of each GMOS.

  • GNGS  Instruments
  • GNGS  GMOS configuration

Database Snapshots

These links show the status of the queue programs at each telescope, in each semester, as the percentage of observations that are at Phase 2, are ready for or in review, for activation, on hold, ready, ongoing, observed or inactive. These pages are updated daily.

  • Overview  GN  GS
  • Interactive  GN  GS

Phase II instructions and Deadlines

Phase II Instructions, including GMOS Mask and Laser Target Deadlines

  •  Instructions

Phase I and II Deadlines from the Call for Proposals

  •  Important Dates
Schedules and Queue Test | Gemini Observatory


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