Semester 2021A Important Dates

Content owned by mark.rawlings

Key dates and events in the proposal process are shown below. The Phase I and Phase II deadlines are highlighted.

Date Event Comments
(varies with participant) Proposal deadline Proposals received by National Gemini Offices (NGOs).
Late October/Early November (set by participant) NTAC meetings Scientific assessments by each Gemini participant ("National TAC").
13 November 2020 E-transmission Electronic transmission of NTACs results to Gemini.
3 December 2020 ITAC International Time Allocation Committee meets to resolve issues and recommend programs.
17 December 2020 21A schedule and Phase IIs available 2021A OT templates available to PIs.
4 January 2021 Phase II reviews start The response time is 7 days for checking from "For Review" and from "For Activation".
18 January 2021 Phase II deadline Mandatory for all PIs (earlier submission is encouraged).
1 February 2021 Start of semester 2021A 2021A programs may be observed earlier to fill queue nights.