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Press Releases

Media Invited to Gemini South Dedication January 18, 2002, La Serena and Cerro Pachón, Chile

Media Invited to Gemini South Dedication January 18, 2002, La Serena and Cerro Pachón, Chile

December 3, 2001

On January 18, 2002, the Gemini Observatory will celebrate a significant milestone with the dedication of the Gemini South telescope...

Gemini Observation Deepens Mystery of Local Active Galaxy

Gemini Observation Deepens Mystery of Local Active Galaxy

October 29, 2001

In the deepest ground-based mid-infrared image ever, the Gemini North Telescope reveals that the mysterious environment around one of the...

Gemini Observatory Captures

Gemini Observatory Captures "Perfection" With Early Image From New High-Tech Instrument

October 2, 2001

After seven years of design and construction but only two weeks of commissioning, a remarkable first light image was obtained...

Gemini Spies Strong Stellar Gusts in Nearby Massive Star

Gemini Spies Strong Stellar Gusts in Nearby Massive Star

July 23, 2001

A dramatic infrared image released today by the Gemini Observatory sheds new light on the early stages of the formation...

Early Gemini North Results Feature Super Star Clusters, Details of Circumstellar Disks

Early Gemini North Results Feature Super Star Clusters, Details of Circumstellar Disks

June 3, 2001

From massive young star clusters swaddled in a dust cocoon 600 trillion miles wide to intriguing structural details in a...

Passing of Fred Gillett, Infrared Astronomy Pioneer

Passing of Fred Gillett, Infrared Astronomy Pioneer

April 25, 2001

Infrared astronomy pioneer Dr. Fred Gillett died Sunday, April 22, 2001 at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle...

Gemini Cuts Deep Into Galactic Core with Release of First Data

Gemini Cuts Deep Into Galactic Core with Release of First Data

October 16, 2000

The first scientific observations from the Gemini North telescope provide a dramatic glimpse into the elusive core of the Milky...

8.1-Meter Mirror Crosses Oceans to Reach Gemini Telescope

8.1-Meter Mirror Crosses Oceans to Reach Gemini Telescope

March 20, 2000

After traveling in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, through the Panama Canal and up a steep, narrow mountain road...

New Telescope Gives Astronomers a Clearer Vision of the Universe

New Telescope Gives Astronomers a Clearer Vision of the Universe

June 25, 1999

At a ceremony on Mauna Kea today, astronomers revealed some of the sharpest infrared images ever obtained by a ground-based...

Gemini North Telescope Gives Astronomers a Clearer Vision of the Universe

Gemini North Telescope Gives Astronomers a Clearer Vision of the Universe

June 24, 1999

At a ceremony in Hawaii today, astronomers revealed some of the sharpest infrared images ever obtained by a ground-based telescope....

Gemini Observatory Receives Funding to Take Mauna Kea Internet Access to New Heights

Gemini Observatory Receives Funding to Take Mauna Kea Internet Access to New Heights

April 15, 1999

The Gemini Observatory has received $600,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support a significant expansion of the internet...

Gemini Observatory on Hawaii's Mauna Kea Reaches Several Milestones

Gemini Observatory on Hawaii's Mauna Kea Reaches Several Milestones

December 23, 1998

Over the past two weeks, the Gemini North telescope near the summit of Hawaii's Mauna Kea has succeeded in accomplishing...

Dedication of Gemini Observatory's Northern Operations Center in Hilo, Hawaii

Dedication of Gemini Observatory's Northern Operations Center in Hilo, Hawaii

November 18, 1998

On November 18, 1998, the Gemini Observatory Northern Operations Center at the University of Hawaii's University Park will be officially...

Gemini's Public Information Officer Opens the Public Information and Outreach Office

Gemini's Public Information Officer Opens the Public Information and Outreach Office

August 3, 1998

"Gemini Observatory Update", to appear in Hilo's Tribune Herald, Friday August 7th.

8.1 Meter Gemini Observatory Mirror Delivered to Mauna Kea

8.1 Meter Gemini Observatory Mirror Delivered to Mauna Kea

June 29, 1998

Measuring over 26 feet across, the largest single-piece telescope mirror ever to travel to Mauna Kea arrived safely at its...

First Gemini 8-meter Mirror is Best of Its Size

First Gemini 8-meter Mirror is Best of Its Size

February 18, 1998

AURA announced today that final polishing of the primary mirror for the northern hemisphere Gemini 8-Meter Telescope has achieved remarkable...

Australia to Share in

Australia to Share in "Heavenly Twins"

February 18, 1998

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Education, Dr. David Kemp, that Australia is...

Adrian Russell Appointed UK ATC Director

Adrian Russell Appointed UK ATC Director

February 13, 1998

PPARC announced today that the first Director of the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh will be Dr Adrian Russell.

Acceptance Test Results from first Gemini M1 Mirror

Acceptance Test Results from first Gemini M1 Mirror

February 4, 1998

REOSC Optique has just completed acceptance testing of the first Gemini primary mirror, with excellent results. Larry Stepp witnessed the...

Chile Returns to the Partnership

Chile Returns to the Partnership

August 29, 1997

Dear Mr. Ramirez: With this message I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail informing the National Science Foundation, as Executive Agency...

Groundbreaking for Telescope Base Facility in Hilo

Groundbreaking for Telescope Base Facility in Hilo

June 24, 1997

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Gemini North Telescope Base Facility will take place on June 24, 1997 at the University...

Corning Ships Second Gemini Mirror Blank

Corning Ships Second Gemini Mirror Blank

May 9, 1997

On May 13, 1997, one of the largest glass objects ever created, the GEMINI II telescope mirror blank, will leave...

Project Scientist Named for International Gemini Project

Project Scientist Named for International Gemini Project

February 8, 1996

The Gemini 8-meter Telescopes Project is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Fred Gillett as the Gemini Project Scientist.

Second Gemini Mirror Blank Fused

Second Gemini Mirror Blank Fused

January 30, 1996

Fifty-five blocks of low-expansion ULE™ glass were successfully fused together at Corning's Canton, New York facility today to form the...

Corning Completes Gemini Large Telescope Mirror Blank

Corning Completes Gemini Large Telescope Mirror Blank

October 11, 1995

Corning Incorporated has completed the first of two 8.1-meter primary mirror blanks for the Gemini Project telescope. The Gemini project...

October Inauguration for Giant Gemini

October Inauguration for Giant Gemini "Twin" Telescopes in Hawaii and Chile

September 30, 1994

Ceremonies in 1994 October in both the northern and southern hemispheres will herald construction of the $176 million, 8.1-meter Gemini...

Press Releases | Page 9 | Gemini Observatory


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