Sharpest-ever Ground-based Images of Pluto and Charon: Proves a Powerful Tool for Exoplanet Discoveries
September 24, 2012
Despite being infamously demoted from its status as a major planet, Pluto (and its largest companion Charon) recently posed as...

Multi-Tasking Supernova
August 28, 2012
Nature hath no fury like a dying star – and astronomers couldn’t be happier…

Astronomers Reassured by Record-breaking Star Formation in Huge Galaxy Cluster
August 12, 2012
Until now, evidence for what astronomers suspect happens at the cores of the largest galaxy clusters has been uncomfortably scarce....

Going Out Of Business
June 28, 2012
That surprise you feel when your favorite store turns off its lights, locks up its doors, and suddenly, for no...

Celestial Tapestry is Born of Uncertain Parentage
May 13, 2012
A new Legacy Image from the Gemini Observatory reveals the remarkable complexity of the planetary nebula Sharpless 2-71 (Sh 2-71)....

Meeting Converges On Gemini Observatory’s Recent And Potential Scientific Impact
April 23, 2012
In mid-July 2012, astronomers from around the world will converge in San Francisco, California to discuss recent and future science...

Gemini Video Explains The Next Generation Of Adaptive Optics
April 2, 2012
Learn how Gemini is leading the way in developing the next generation of adaptive optics to power the new Gemini...

Aura Selects Kissler-Patig As New Gemini Observatory Director
March 22, 2012
Dr. William Smith, President of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. (AURA), announced today the selection of...

Revolutionary Instrument Propels Astronomical Imaging to New Extremes
January 5, 2012
Gemini’s next-generation adaptive optics system produces highest-resolution with largest field-of-view ever captured from the ground using laser guide star technology.

Two Record-Breaking Black Holes Found Hiding Nearby
November 30, 2011
Observations with the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i reveal evidence for what astronomers are calling the largest black holes ever...

Gemini Observatory Celebrates 1,000th Paper
November 2, 2011
Join in the celebration of Gemini Observatory’s one-thousandth scientific paper by becoming a friend of Gemini on Facebook. There, you...

Gemini Image Captures Elegant Beauty of Planetary Nebula Discovered by Amateur Astronomer
July 25, 2011
In a partnership between amateur and professional astronomers, the recent discovery of a dying star’s last gasps could help resolve...

The Most Distant Quasar
June 29, 2011
An international team of astronomers announced today the discovery of the most distant known supermassive black hole, seen as a...

Betting On The Most Distant Gamma Ray Burst Ever Seen: Extreme Distance Determined With Gemini Observatory Images
May 25, 2011
In a game of cosmological one-upmanship, what is likely the most distant gamma ray burst (GRB) ever detected could be...

Gemini Images a Psychedelic Stellar Nursery
May 4, 2011
An all-time favorite of skywatchers on both hemispheres, the Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8, or M8) is among the most striking...

Australian Students Capture Dancing Galaxies
March 29, 2011
A New Gemini Podcast, In October of 2010, the Gemini South primary mirror received a shiny new coating of protected...

Quasar’s Belch Solves Longstanding Mystery
February 23, 2011
When two galaxies merge to form a giant, the central supermassive black hole in the new galaxy develops an insatiable...

Gemini South Shines First Sodium Laser “Constellation”
January 26, 2011
In the early morning of January 22, 2011 at 4:38am, Chile Summer Time, a new era in high-resolution astronomy began...

Astronomers 'Weigh' Heaviest Known Black Hole in our Cosmic Neighborhood
January 12, 2011
Astronomers led by Karl Gebhardt of The University of Texas at Austin have measured the most massive known black hole...

Jupiter Shows First Signs of its Returning Belt
November 24, 2010
This image is a composite of three color images taken on Nov. 18, 2010, by the Gemini North telescope in...

Without A Trace
September 9, 2010
Observing a fireball streaking through the atmosphere of another planet is a rare occurrence. However, two amateur astronomers did just...

First Directly Imaged Planet Confirmed Around Sun-Like Star
June 29, 2010
A planet only about eight times the mass of Jupiter has been confirmed orbiting a Sun-like star at over 300...

Taking A Narrow View Of A Lopsided Galaxy
May 25, 2010
The starburst galaxy NGC 1313 is a stellar incubator delivering stars on a scale rarely seen in a single galaxy...

Cannibalistic Galaxy Bends Light And Reveals Its Monstrous Appetite
May 12, 2010
A newly discovered gravitational lens in a relatively nearby galaxy cluster is leading astronomers to conclude that the cluster hosts...

A Planet-like Companion Growing up in the Fast Lane
April 6, 2010
The cliché that youth grow up so fast is about to take on a new twist. This is due to...

The Many Colors of Star Birth
February 11, 2010
A dramatic new image from the Gemini North telescope illustrates the dynamic and sometimes violent process of star birth. It...

Heavyweights vs. Lightweights: Are the Largest Stars Born Like our Sun?
January 27, 2010
Explaining how the most massive stars are born, deep within their stellar nurseries, is one of the most persistent mysteries...

Astronomers Say Alien Dust Is Nothing To Sneeze At
January 5, 2010
Using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, astronomers at UCLA have found dusty evidence for the formation of young, rocky...

Revealing the Explosive Heart of Eta Carinae
January 4, 2010
Using adaptive optics to remove atmospheric blurring, Gemini Observatory released an image today showing previously hidden forensic secrets at the...

Storm Brews Over Titan's Tropical Desert
August 12, 2009
While far from a tropical rain forest, the equatorial region of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, has recently displayed tantalizing evidence...