Viaje al Universo 2012
September 4, 2012

From the 27th to the 31st of August, Gemini Observatory held their annual “Viaje al Universo”. The week long program brought astronomy into the classroom, with a wide variety of educational talks and workshops throughout schools in the Elqui Valley, La Serena and Coquimbo.
The schools that participated this year were: Colegio Jerónimo Godoy from Pisco Elqui, Liceo Mistraliano from Paihuano, Colegio Claudio Arrau and Cardenal Caro from Coquimbo; Colegio San José, Saint Mary El Milagro, Christ School, Colegio Alemán, Sagrados Corazones and José Manuel Balmaceda from La Serena. With guidance from Gemini, the math and physics teachers and school principals worked over the course of a year on the proposal for this program.
In addition to visiting the schools, experts from the US and Santiago led engaging rocket launching workshops throughout the week. Two talks were held on Wednesday the 29th at the Intendencia Regional. The first by Roderick Bowen ( titled “Misconceptions from 2012” and second by David Yenerall (NASA Endeavor) about "Curiosity".
The “Viaje al Universo” week ended with a night of observation at Cerro Mayu Public Observatory. Not just any Star Party, the visitors could attend a talk given by professor of Universidad de La Serena, Claudio Canut de Bon entitled “Meteorites”.
Viaje al Universo is organized by Gemini South’s Public Information and Outreach office in collaboration with the Extension Center and Physics Department of the University of La Serena. The program is sponsored by the local Secretary of Tourism SERNATUR, the Office of Light Pollution protection (OPCC), City Hall of La Serena and the support of Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and Las Campanas Observatory.