International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
Gemini T-ReCS observations
a) The Gemini T-ReCS observations of the mono-polar outflow of G35.20-0.74 as seen in the mid-infrared at 12 microns. The black plus-sign marks the location of the young central star.
b) The T-ReCS mid-infrared image at 18 microns is overlaid by contours of low-resolution radio continuum emission (Heaton & Little 1988). Radio emission from the central star (black plus-sign) and the northern and southern outflow lobes can be seen.
c) A close-up look at the mid-infrared emission near the central star and outflow cavity. The central star can be seen in high-resolution radio continuum emission (black contours, from Gibb et al. 2003), with some more diffuse radio emission to the south. The hydroxyl masers are shown as asterisks (Hutawarakorn & Cohen 1999), water masers as crosses (Forster & Caswell 1989), and methanol masers as large plus-signs (A.G. Gibb, private communication). They are distributed in a V-shape along the mid-infrared walls of the outflow cavity with the apex near the central star.