International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
Comparative history of paper output for Keck, VLT, Subaru and Gemini
Comparative history of paper output for Keck, VLT, Subaru and Gemini as the number of paper per year per telescope. The “Year” axis is normalized so that Year One is the first year of significant number of published papers. Year One corresponds to about one year after the start of science operation. Year One is 1994 for Keck I, 1999 for VLT, 2000 for Subaru and 2002 for Gemini. This graph does take into account the fact that VLT and Gemini have four and two telescopes coming on line during their early years, while Subaru and Keck (initially) are one-telescope observatories. Gemini just completed Year 4, hence Year 5 (2006) has a goal of 65 publication per telescope.