Gemini à la rencontre en ligne de la CASCA 2022.
Gemini at the online CASCA meeting 2022.

The Canadian Gemini Office (CGO), in collaboration with the NOIRLab international Gemini Observatory, are organizing a life support service in parallel to the online AGM 2022 (10-14 May).
L'Office Gemini Canadien (OGC), en collaboration avec l'Observatoire international Gemini de NOIRLab, organisent un service d'aide personalisé reliées avec l'AG 2022 en ligne (10-14 mai).
Live support: Send your questions to, or for DRAGONS' specific questions. You will be given a connection information for a live session. It can be general questions, or specific ones.
Aide personnalisée:
Demo of the new Gemini Program Platform (GPP) Thursday 6pm at the Gemini booth GPP will soon be replacing the Phase1 Tool (PIT) and Observing Tool (OT). It will make your Phase 2 preparations much easier! |
Démonstration de la nouvelle Plateforme de Programme à Gemini (GPP en anglais) Jeudi, 18h au kisque de Gémini GPP remplacera prochainement les outils PIT (Phase 1 Tool) et OT (Observing Tool). Cela simplifiera énormément la préparasion de vos Phase 2! |
Talks mentionning Gemini | Présentations orales qui mentionnent Gemini | |
Stefan Pelletier | Session 2A: Planetary and Stellar Properties | Titanium cold-trapping, numerous metals and ions, and the first ever unambiguous detection of vanadium oxide revealed on a ultra-hot giant exoplanet |
Vicky Kaspi | Session 4A: Compact Objects | Invited |
Daryl Haggard | Session 4A: Compact Objects | Taking a Closer Look at SMBH Energetics and Variability with Sgr A* and M87 |
Alex Tetarenko | Session 4A: Compact Objects | Optical Fast Timing Observations of X-ray Binaries with Gemini's `Alopeke and Zorro |
Viraja Khatu | Session 4B: AGN & High-energy Astrophysics | Probing Structure of Gas Flows in a Highly Accreting Active Galactic Nucleus, Markarian 142 |
Posters mentionning Gemini | Posters qui mentionnent Gemini | |
Katie Crotts | Session 2A: Planetary and Stellar Propertiess | A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Highly Asymmetrical Debris Disk Around HD 111520 |
Megan Tannock | Session 2A: Planetary and Stellar Properties | IGRINS Spectroscopy of the T6 Dwarf 2MASS J08173001-6155158: Verification of Water, Methane, and Ammonia Line Lists and a Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Atlas of a 1050 K Atmosphere |
Joel Roediger | Session 3B: Galaxies – Environment and Dynamics | Unravelling the History of Dwarf Galaxy Evolution in the Virgo Cluster |
Christian Marois | Session 5A: New Facilities | Deployment of focal plane WFS technologies on 8-m telescopes: from the Subaru SPIDERS pathfinder, to the facility-class GPI 2.0 CAL2 system. |
Stephanie Cote | Session 6B: Indigeneity, Community and EPO | Canadian Gemini News |
Dennis Crabtree | Session 6B: Indigeneity, Community and EPO | A Deep Dive into Gemini Publications |
Visit the Gemini booth, and ask us also about:
N'hésitez pas à visiter le kiosque Gemini, et de nous poser des questions sur: