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Subaru Intensive Program: g-band Imaging for Science with Euclid and UNIONS

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Approved LLPs

Principle Investigator: Mike Hudson, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Program Summary:

The Euclid mission will study the growth of dark matter structures with cosmic time after its launch in 2022. The ongoing Ultraviolet Near-Infrared Optical Northern Survey (UNIONS) will be a legacy imaging survey that will provide answers to some of the most fundamental questions in astronomy, including the properties of dark matter and dark energy, the growth of structure in the Universe from Galactic to cluster scales, and the assembly of the Milky Way. Multiwavelength coverage is essential for a wide range of science such as stellar population studies, and is critical for precise photometric redshifts for Euclid and UNIONS. Time has been allocated on CFHT and PS1 and 2 to cover uri filters with a goal of 4800 square degrees by the end of 23A. This proposal is to cover 4400 square degrees in the g-band with HSC. The result will be a legacy survey for the Northern sky.


  • Alan McConnachie: Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
  • Jean-Charles Cuillandre: CEA Saclay / Observatoire de Paris
  • Yannick Mellier: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
  • Rodrigo Ibata: Observatoire de Strasbourg
  • Ken Chambers: University of Hawaii (IfA)
  • Michael Balogh: University of Waterloo
  • Ray Carlberg: University of Toronto
  • Stephen Gwyn: Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
  • Raphael Gavazzi: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
  • Vanessa Hill: Observatoire de la Cote d'Azu
  • Eugene Magnier: University of Hawaii (IfA)
  • Ludo van Waerbeke: University of British Columbia
  • Martin Kilbinger: CEA Saclay
Subaru Intensive Program: g-band Imaging for Science with Euclid and UNIONS | Gemini Observatory


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