[Mayan calendar]

Poor Weather Queue Summary : Semester 2009A Gemini North and Gemini South

The queues shown in the tables below summarise the programs that constitute the "Poor Weather Queue" on Gemini North and Gemini South. The Poor Weather Queue is a pilot program introduced in 2006B to fill telescope time under very poor, but usable, conditions. These programs are distinct from other queue programs in three important ways: 1) time spent on poor weather programs will not be charged to the PIs or the partner countries; 2) poor weather programs can exist in queue only, and must meet the observing condition constraints shown below; and 3) poor weather programs are lower priority than the "regular" queue (bands 1 to 3) and have no explicit or implicit guarantee of being observed. They will be executed only when nothing in the regular queue is observable.

In all other respects — NGO and Gemini contact scientist support, Phase II definitions, Gemini Science Archive data distribution — programs in the Poor Weather Queue are similar to all other Gemini queue programs. In the Observing Tool, poor weather queue programs are designated as Band 4, to distinguish them from the rest of the queue.

Observing condition constraints for poor weather programs must meet one of the following:

This report is generated daily (see the bottom of the page for the current timestamp). The pages linked via Completion Status are updated approximately every 4 hours. Note that the completion fraction may change as the time accounting is adjusted during the quality assessment process.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Partner (UH = University of Hawaii, GS=Gemini staff) or country (US, UK, CA, CL, AU, AR, BR) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program).
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each Gemini North ODB and Gemini South ODB program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

GN Poor Weather Queue
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2009A-Q-103 Nitta AU/UK/GS VSOP: Fixing the variable sky with one-shot typing of neglected variables GMOS 220.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090123 20090204 20090205 20090219 20090220 20090221 20090223 20090224 20090226 20090228 20090301 20090303 20090304 20090314 20090401 20090404 20090405 20090406 20090408 20090413 20090415 20090417 20090419 20090421 20090422 20090423 20090428 20090429 20090509 20090510 20090511 20090516 20090519 20090528 20090529 20090530 20090613 20090614 20090620 20090725 20090727 20090728 20090813
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-104 Laycock GS New Variable Stars with 100 year Lightcurves in the Beehive Cluster. GMOS 3.30
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090404 20090405 20090408 20090414 20090428 20090430 20090627 20090725
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-105 Herbert UK The Fundamental Plane and Black-hole masses of z~0.5 radio galaxies GMOS 18.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090613 20090810 20090811 20091001
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-106 Blundell UK A search for hidden disc lines in radio-galaxies: a non-degenerate interpretation of accretion dynamics NIRI 5.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090219 20090224 20090301 20090404 20090405 20090408 20090418 20090419 20090420 20090509 20090510
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-107 Bildfell CA/UK BCG Dynamics and Cluster Cores: Understanding a Symbiotic Relationship GMOS 27.70
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090221 20090226 20090228 20090324 20090405 20090406 20090620
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-108 Aragon-Salamanca UK The formation of Lenticular galaxies: high S/N spectroscopy of Virgo S0s GMOS 18.20
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:

The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Partner (UH = University of Hawaii, GS=Gemini staff) or country (US, UK, CA, CL, AU, AR, BR) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program).
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each Gemini North ODB and Gemini South ODB program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

GS Poor Weather Queue
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2009A-Q-86 Nitta UK/GS/AU VSOP: Fixing the variable sky with one-shot typing of neglected variables GMOS-S 220.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090203 20090209 20090210 20090211 20090212 20090316 20090317 20090528 20090604 20090711 20090713 20090716 20090717 20090718 20090806 20090809 20090822 20091229 20091231 20100101 20100103 20100104 20100112 20100113 20100115 20100119 20100126 20100128 20100129 20100203 20100204 20100205 20100206 20100223
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-87 Clowes UK Verifying a large-scale structure at z~2 GMOS-S 35.40
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090301 20090313 20090717 20090729 20090730 20090731 20090915 20090918
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-88 Hinkle US Orbital Survey of Red Giant - White Dwarf SNe Ia Progenitors Phoenix 24.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090402 20090606 20090731 20090803 20090812 20090813 20090831
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-89 Malo CA Radial Velocity of Low-mass Candidate Members of Nearby Young Associations Phoenix 18.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090614 20090615 20090619 20090623 20090627 20090628 20090701 20090717 20090802 20090804
Completion Status:


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Last updated on: 2 Dec 2013 18:09:37 GMT