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Gemini Announces Selection of Six "StarTeachers"

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En Español - Versión adaptada en Chile

Today, in a live videoconference connecting Hawai`i with Chile, the six teachers selected to participate in the Gemini Observatory StarTeachers Exchange Program were officially announced.

Photographs and biographies are available here

During the event, the 3 teachers from each location met and shared some of their ideas for the exchange using the same advanced high-speed internet videoconferencing technology that they will use to present lessons to their students back home during the exchange. The Hawai`i teachers are scheduled to visit their colleagues in Chile for two weeks in March and the Chilean teachers will make a reciprocal visit to Hawai`i in October 2003.

The three Big Island StarTeachers selected are Kristen Luning, Chairperson of the Math Department at Keaau High School; Alicia Hui, a fifth grade teacher at Haili Christian School; and Christine Copes, a math and Resource Teacher at Waiakea Elementary School. The three Chilean teachers are Carmen Luz Briones, Viviana Calderon and Jenny Opazo. (See more complete biographies here)

"This is a perfect example of what we had envisioned many years ago when we first established the Sister City relationship between Hilo and La Serena Chile," said Big Island (4th District) Representative Helene Hale. "By sharing Gemini's resources and technology with our teachers and students, this program demonstrates how we can all work together as a community to improve our educational system and provide unique educational opportunities that would otherwise not be available." Representative Hale played a critical role in establishing the sister city program in the mid 90's along with former Big Island resident Anamaria Kehoni`ala Maraboli-Smith who now lives in Chile.

Mrs Maraboli-Smith participated in the event from Chile and suggested that the theme of the program be summarized with Queen Kapiolani's motto: "Kulia i ka nu`u" which means "strive for the heights".

The StarTeachers Exchange is a unique educational program designed to utilize Gemini's state-of-the-art Internet videoconferencing capabilities as an educational "laboratory." Combined with a two-week visit/exchange, the program provides an innovative venue for the teaching of science and cross-cultural exchanges between the teachers and students of Hawai`i and Chile.

"This is a first for us," said Dr. Matt Mountain, Director of the Gemini Observatory. "With this program, we want to make our resources available to help local educators in our host communities while expanding our outreach efforts in ways that will inspire our youth to shoot for the stars!"

The teachers will make reciprocal visits to each city, and will be given the opportunity to experience the actual implementation of Gemini's astronomical research programs while sharing insights on each other's culture and educational systems. The teachers will then present real-time, audio-visual classes to their home students via Gemini's high-speed Internet technologies.

The three veteran Hilo teachers have together accumulated more than 50 years' teaching experience in Hawai`i schools.

Christine Copes is a teacher at Waiakea Elementary School. She teaches math for the gifted and talented for third, fourth and fifth graders and is a Resource Teacher at Waiakea Elementary School, serving as the school's Technology Coordinator and specializing in computer literacy.

"I feel like a pioneer in a way," says Ms. Copes. "I feel like, we are going to be ambassadors for Hawai`i, for our schools and for Gemini. Education is the key. I'm looking forward to telling the students in Chile about our islands, how unique they are, and the specialness of Mauna Kea."

Alicia Hui teaches fifth grade at Haili Christian School. "One of the things I plan on doing when we go to Chile is to take my ukulele with me," Ms. Hui says. "I've found it a great ice breaker, and one of the best tools I can use to share my Hawaiian culture.

"I really think that through this program we'll get a real opportunity to learn from each other - not only about classrooms, but about each others' cultures. I'm very excited about the StarTeachers program."

Kristen Luning, who oversees the Math Department at Keaau High School, says Gemini's StarTeachers Exchange Program is just one of several Gemini educational Outreach programs she's participated in over the past few years.

"StarTeachers is such a great experience for Hawai`i teachers and students to expand their awareness of what's happening up there on Mauna Kea while being exposed to other cultures."

In a gesture of aloha, the Big Island teachers are planning on having their classes make lei to be presented to the children in the Chilean exchange classes.

The three Chilean teachers are also excited about having the opportunity to visit Hawai`i schools.

A veteran of 23 years in La Serena schools, Carmen Luz Briones is an elementary teacher with a major in sciences.

"What I want from this is to be able to let my students experience Hawai`i through my eyes," she says. "I want them to participate in this experience, to see what I am seeing. That's why I am exited about the Gemini Internet technology we will be using. We'll be able to truly share."

An elementary teacher with 30 years' experience, Viviana Calderon says she's looking forward to participating in the program "because I do things with great commitment and I love the children. I want to show them that although our geographical boundaries may be different, we all live under the same sky."<

Jenny Opazo is a preschool teacher who has taught her entire career in La Serena. "This is a major program for all of us," Ms. Opazo said.

"I am trying to develop a plan which will involve myself and our visiting Hawai`i teachers with all our teachers in our school, and even teachers in surrounding schools.

"I think this would give the visiting teachers a broader experience of our local educational system. And also, it would allow my colleagues, who are working so hard to help make this program a success, to share their personal educational experiences with our Hawai`i visitors."

Also participating in the announcement event was Dr. Malcolm Smith, Director of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO*).

"The StarTeachers are well named - this program is clearly getting off to a very good start," said Dr. Smith from Chile.

"The people chosen for this exchange are a good match to the outstanding opportunity being provided. They will each learn from each other and from their surroundings throughout this experience - rest assured that these wonderfully creative teachers from Chile and Hawai`i are fully up to the task of conveying the thrill and content of this program to their pupils.

"These teachers are, of course, fortunate to have this opportunity to expand their own horizons and exchange ideas so directly with colleagues from another culture - but the children for whom this program is designed are the real winners - having such special, now even more motivated people leading their classes.

"It is always such a pleasure to bring creative people from La Serena and the Big Island together to share their special cultures and beautiful surroundings. After this, we must reach out to the children - and help motivate them to look after their threatened natural and cultural heritage - the most spectacular starlit skies known to humankind, the skies over Hawai`i in the North, and Chile in the South."

Mrs. Maraboli-Smith, liason for the sister-cities La Serena - County of Hawai`i, who, along with her husband, Dr. Smith are former residents of the Big Island, added "A few years ago Hokule`a left Hilo for Rapa Nui, Chile. It was a voyage of learning, of culture and education. Of people meeting people. This time its teachers. Once again it's a voyage of learning, of culture and education - of people meeting people - and how these StarTeachers can enrich the children passing the knowledge to them. "What better way to strengthen our Sister City relationship than with an exchange in education".

*CTIO is a part of the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) which has provided U.S. astronomers access to the southern sky for four decades and has partnered with Gemini on several local Chilean outreach initiatives. Gemini and NOAO are both managed for the National Science Foundation by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA).

For more information, please see the related press releases, "Celestial Cybernetics" and "StarTeachers Exchange Program".

Imágenes disponibles en: here

Hoy, a través de una videoconferencia en vivo entre Hawai`i y La Serena, fueron anunciados públicamente, los seis profesores seleccionados para participar del programa de Intercambio del Observatorio Gemini "StarTeachers".

Durante el evento, los 3 profesores de cada lugar se conocieron y pudieron compartir sus ideas acerca del intercambio usando la misma tecnología de avanzada velocidad de videoconferencia e internet que ellas utilizarán para presentar sus clases a sus respectivos alumnos durante su experiencia. Los profesores chilenos visitarán Hawai`i en el mes de octubre de 2003 por espacio de dos semanas y los profesores de la Isla Grande harán una visita recíproca en el mes de marzo del presente año.

Las tres profesoras de la región de Coquimbo anunciadas en el evento son Carmen Luz Briones profesora de 2do básico del Colegio Isabel Riquelme del sector de Las Compañías de La Serena, Viviana Calderón, Jefe de la Unidad Técnica y coordinadora de la academia de astronomía del Colegio Cardenal Caro de Coquimbo y Jenny Opazo educadora del primer Nivel Transición del Jardín Infatil Vista Hermosa de La Serena. Por su parte las tres seleccionadas de Hawai`i son Kristen Luning, Jefa del Departamento de matemáticas en Keaau High School, Alicia Hui profesora de 5to básico del Haili Congregational School y Christine Copes profesora de matemáticas e investigadora del Waiakea Elementary School. (Para obtener biografías más completas por favor visite here).

"Nuestra presencia hoy obedece a que no sólo apoyamos esta iniciativa de hermandad, sino que respaldamos y promovemos la motivación de muchos otros profesores de La Serena y de la región para que, a través de nuestros cielos, tengan acceso a esta experiencia tan inolvidable", señaló la Alcaldesa de La Serena, Adriana Peñafiel, quien además tuvo palabras de agradecimiento para el Observatorio Gemini y para la representante de ciudades hermanas, Anamaria Kehoni`ala Maraboli-Smith, persona clave en establecer los lazos del programa de ciudades hermanas en la mitad de los 90s, en conjunto con Helene Hale residente de la Isla Grande.

En esta oportunidad, Maraboli-Smith quien participó del evento, sugirió que el tema de este programa se resumiera en la frase lema de la Reina Kapiolani "Kulia i ka nu`u", que significa "Procurar por alcanzar la cima".

El intercambio StarTeachers es un programa educacional único diseñado para utilizar la tecnología de punta de videoconferencia Internet de Gemini como un "laboratorio" para brindar una posibilidad innovadora en la enseñanza de la ciencia y el intercambio de culturas entre los profesores y alumnos de Hawai`i y Chile.

"Esto es un primer intento para nosotros" dijo el Dr. Matt Mountain, Director del Observatorio Gemini . "Con este programa, queremos poner nuestros recursos a disposición para ayudar a los educadores locales de nuestras comunidades, a la vez de expandir nuestros esfuerzos de difusión de manera que podamos incentivar a que nuestros jóvenes disparen para alcanzar las estrellas!"

Los profesores harán visitas recíprocas a cada ciudad, y se les dará la oportunidad de experimentar con la implementación actual de los porgramas de investigación astronómica de Gemini, a la vez de compartir opiniones de cada una de sus culturas y sistemas educacionales. Los profesores también presentarán clases audiovisuales en tiempo real a sus respectivos alumnos gracias a la tecnología de Internet de alta velocidad de Gemini.

Las tres profesores de la IV región se encuentran felices de tener la oportunidad de visitar los colegios de Hawai`i.

Con experiencia de 23 años, Carmen Luz Briones es una profesora de educación general básica con mencion en ciencias naturales. "Lo que quiero lograr de este programa es permitir que mis alumnos experimenten Hawai`i a través de mis ojos' dice. "Deseo que ellos participen de esta experiencia, que vean lo que yo veo. Por eso me alegra mucho poder utilizar la tecnología de internet de Gemini que estaremos usando. Con estos medios estaremos compartiendo de verdad".

Por su parte y con 30 años de experiencia docente, Viviana Calderón manifiesta sus ansias de participar en el programa "porque hago las cosas con una profunda entrega y por el amor que le tengo a los niños".

"Deseo mostrales que aunque tenemos ubicaciones geográficas diferentes, todos vivimos bajo el mismo cielo", agregó.

Por su parte Jenny Opazo, educadora de párvulos del Jardín Vista Hermosa de La Serena aseguró que "este es un programa muy grande para todas nosotras".

"Me gustaría desarrollar un plan que permitiera que pudieramos involucrar junto a la profesora visitante de Hawaii a todas mis colegas de mi Jardín e incluso a otras de otros sectores de la ciudad".

"Pienso que esto permitirá que nuestras pares de Hawaii obtengan una mirada más integral de nuestro sistema educacional local. También permitiría que mis colegas, que también han trabajado duro para que nuestro programa sea exitoso pudieran compartir sus experiencias personales de educación con nuestras visitas de Hawai`i."

La experiencia en el hemisferio norte es bastante similar. Las tres profesoras de Hilo tienen más de 50 años de experiencia docente en colegios de Hawai`i.

Christine Copes es una profesora de Waiakea Elementary School. Imparte clases de matemáticas para niños superdotados de 3ro, 4to y 5to básico y es Profesora Investigadora de su establecimiento donde además oficia como Coordinadora de Tecnología.

"En cierto modo, me siento como una pionera" señala Copes. "Creo que seremos embajadoras de Hawai`i, de nuestros colegios y de Gemini. La educación es la clave. Espero ansiosa poder decirles a los alumnos en Chile acerca de nuestras isles, lo únicas que son, y lo especial acerca de Mauna Kea".

Alicia Hui enseña un 5to básico en Haili Christian School. "Una de las cosas que tengo pensadas hacer cuando vayamos a Chile sera llevar mi ukele", dijo Hui. "Pienso que es un excelente rompe hielos, y una de las mejores herramientas que puedo usar para compartir de mi cultura hawaiiana".

"Honestamente pienso que con este programa tendremos una oportunidad real de aprender de nosotras mismas- no sólo de las clases, pero también de nuestras respectivas culturas. Me siento muy feliz con este programa StarTeachers".

Kristen Luning supervisa el Departamento de Matemáticas en Keaau High School, señala que el Programa de Intercambio de Gemini "StarTeachers" es uno de los muchos programas educacionales de difusión de Gemini en los que ella ha participado en los últimos años.

"StarTeachers es una experiencia maravillosa para los profesores y estudiantes en Hawai`i para darse cuenta de qué acontece en Mauna Kea, a la vez de verse expuesto a otras culturas"

En un gesto de aloha, los profesores de la Isla Grande tienen planificado hacer que sus cursos hagan leis (tradicionales collares de flores) para ser regalados a los niños en las clases de Chile.

Presente en el evento del anuncio de las seleccionadas también se encontraba el Director del Observatorio Interamericano de Cerro Tololo (*CTIO), Dr. Malcolm Smith.

"Las StarTeachers están muy bien elegidas - este programa claramente está teniendo un muy buen comienzo" dijo el Dr. Smith.

"Las personas elegidas para este intercambio están a la altura de esta oportunidad maravillosa que se les ha dado. Todas ellas aprenderán de ellas mismas y sus alrededores a través de esta experiencia - estén seguros que estas profesoras maravillosamente creativas de Chile y Hawai`i traspasarán toda la emoción y contenido de este programa a sus alumnos".

"Estos profesores son, desde luego, muy afortunados de tener una oportunidad de expandir sus propios horizontes e intercambiar ideas tan directamente con sus colegas de otra cultura - pero son los niños los verdaderos ganadores de este programa - al tener gente tan especial, y ahora tan motivada que dirige sus clases.

"Es siempre un gran agrado llevar gente creativa de La Serena y la Isla Grande para compartir sus culturas y lugares donde habitan. Después de esto debemos enfocarnos en nuestros niños y ayudarles a motivarse para cuidar nuestra actualmente amenazada herencia natural y cultural - el más espectacular cielo que conoce la humanidad, los cielos de Hawai`i en el norte y de Chile en el sur".

Asimismo, Anamaria Maraboli-Smith, enlace para las cuidades hermanas de La Serena y el Condado de Hawai`i quien, junto a su esposo Dr. Smith son ex residentes de la Isla Grande, agregó: "Hace unos años Hokule`a zarpó desde Hilo a Rapa Nui, Chile. Fue un viaje de apredizaje, de cultura y educación. De gente conociendo a más gente. Esta vez es un viaje de profesores de educación básica. Una vez más es un viaje de aprendizaje, de cultura y educación - de gente conociendo a más gente - y de cómo estos StarTeachers pueden enriquecer a los niños traspasándoles su conocimiento. Qué mejor manera de fortalecer la relación de hermandad que con un intercambio en educación".

"Qué mejor manera de fortalecer la relación de hermandad que con un intercambio de educación".

"Una vez más este es un viaje de aprendizaje, de cultura y educación - de gente que conoce a más gente - y de como estos StarTeachers pueden enriquecer a los niños traspasándoles su conocimiento.

"Qué mejor manera de fortalecer la relación de hermandad que con un intercambio de educación".

*CTIO es parte del Observatorio de Astronomía Optico Nacional de los EEUU (NOAO) el cual ha brindado a los astrónomos de Estados Unidos el acceso a los cielos del sur por cuatro décadas y se ha asociado con Gemini en muichas actividades de difusión en Chile. Gemini y NOAO son ambas dirigidas por la Fundación Nacional de las Ciencias norteamericana (NSF) a través de la Asociación de Universidades para la Investigación en Astronomía, Inc (AURA)

Para mayor información, por favor vea el comunicado de prensa, "Cibernética Celestial" y "Comienza Programa StarTeachers".

Hilo StarTeachers

Pictured from left to right: Janice Harvey, Gemini's Public Information & Outreach Assistant, Kristen Luning, Alicia Hui, Christine Copes, and Peter Michaud, Gemini's PIO Manager.

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Chile StarTeachers

Pictured from left to right: Viviana Calderon, Carmen Luz Briones, and Jenny Opazo.

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Alicia Hui

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Alicia Hui

Alicia Hui teaches fifth grade at Haili Christian School. She has been with Haili for the past eight years.

Born and raised on the Big Island, Ms. Hui earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Education and Bible Studies in 1988 from Holmes College in Greenville, N.C.

Following graduation, Ms. Hui began her teaching career at Haumana Christian School and the Henry Opukahaia School. In addition to her teaching duties, she helped coordinate an advanced reading program for the two schools.

She joined Haili in 1994. While teaching at Haili, Ms. Hui has become interested in the challenge of presenting a science curriculum to elementary students. She has taken several extracurricular workshops and seminars on teaching science and astronomy in the classroom, some of which have been sponsored by Gemini.

She says she feels teaching science to younger students is important for Hawai`i's children because it can help educate them to the possibilities of careers in science and astronomy here on the Big Island. "For one thing, I think it's important to make them aware of the opportunities for employment in our astronomy program here," she says.

Ms. Hui, who is part Hawaiian, says one of the important aspects of the StarTeachers program for her is the opportunity to share her heritage with others.

"I hope I can share some things that will really enhance our students' curriculum and to broaden my own horizon in science and astronomy. I'm looking forward to learning aspect of the program as much as the teaching."

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Carmen Luz Briones Castillo

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Carmen Luz Briones Castillo

Born in La Serena, Carmen Luz graduated from Liceo de Niñas in La Serena in 1972 and continued immediately after her studies to become a teacher of Elementary and Junior High School with a major in Natural Sciences at the Universidad de Chile, La Serena branch.

Carmen held her first job for 22 years at the Escuela Cielo Claro (meaning "clear skies") in Paihuano where she was also the coordinator or Red Enlaces (a Computer Program for schools in Chile). It was then that the skies attracted her attention, as well as her student's, who participated in the Young World's Fair of Science in 1999 where they obtained first place and received a telescope that has became an extremely valuable asset to the school.

It was also during these years that she was selected to travel to Vancouver, Canada to spend two months for training in the use of computers and Internet in the classrooms. In 2002, Carmen Luz decided to return to La Serena with her two daughters of 17 and 19, to take a position as a second grade teacher in the Colegio Isabel Riquelme de Las Compañías. She also teaches natural sciences to 7th and 8th graders.

Her class while in Hawai`i will be based on the constellations and how these change according to the person's geographical location.

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Christine Copes

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Christine Copes

Christine Copes is a teacher at Waiakea Elementary School. She teaches math for the gifted and talented for third, fourth and fifth graders and is a Resource Teacher at Waiakea, serving as the school's Technology Coordinator and specializing in computer literacy. In this capacity, she oversees the school's computer lab for Grades K-5.

In 1974, Ms. Copes received her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. She also holds a teaching degree from the University of Hawai'i, Hilo. She has attended more than 20 courses and workshops specializing in the teaching of science and astronomy, math and environmental issues.

She began her teaching career in 1974 working with autistic children and those with severe behavior disorders at the Special Education Center on Oahu. In 1979, she began teaching Hawai`i field courses for the University of California at Santa Cruz Wilderness Studies Program. In 1985 she joined Hilo High School as a staff teacher for Project Aspire, a Department of Education program to assist under-achieving students. Following teaching in other public schools on the Big Island, she joined Waiakea Elementary School in 1990 as a Resource Teacher specializing in math for the gifted and talented and science. She is also a member of the Office of Mauna Kea Management Astronomy Education Committee.

Ms. Copes says she is attracted to teaching because she enjoys children and imparting knowledge to them. "It's a wonderful thing to see their response," she said. "Science, math, and technology offer incredible advantages for introducing elementary students to the excitement of learning. I think working with them in my field is a truly unique opportunity."

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Jenny Opazo González

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Jenny Opazo González

At 18 years of age, Jenny arrived in La Serena and has remained until the present time. She graduated from the Liceo de Niñas to continue her studies as a Nursery Teacher at the Universidad de Chile, La Serena branch from where she received her degree in 1979.

Her working experience began in Vicuña at the Jardín Infantil Rayitos de Sol where she taught for three years. Later in 1989, she transferred to Jardín Infantil Pillín de Tierras Blancas as Director of the school. Today, more than 120 kids attend the Jardín Infantil de Vista Hermosa where they enjoy her spontaneous personality and charm.

Deeply surprised with the possibility of participating in the StarTeachers program, Jenny Opazo insists that it wasn't her, but her own preschoolers who encouraged her, with their questions, to search for information and training in astronomy. But it wasn't until 1998 when she dared to take her first step, the same step that today is taking her to Hawai`i.

Recently, Jenny participated in the National Seminar of Curricular and Significant Experiences as a representative the region of Coquimbo in Santiago. Jenny has also been selected by the Ministry of Education and TELEDUC (Television to educate) to prepare a video about one of her most innovative projects called "A Day on the Moon." This project was chosen from among many others in a country-wide recognition called "Challenging Experiences" that follows the PreSchool Education Redesign Formula.

Also, thanks to her initiative, her school has a special room where any child under six can explore the Milky Way and even touch and feel objects to learn about such things as temprature.

Jenny is married, and a mother of one child, Felipe who is 8 years old.

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Kristen Luning

Kristen Luning is a math teacher at Keaau High School and serves as Chairperson of the school's Math Department.

She received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Hawai`i at Hilo in 1989. She then went on to earn a Master's in Secondary Education from Heritage College in 1992.

She has served as the Chairperson of Keaau High School Math Department since joining the school in 2000. She began her teaching career in 1989 at Naalehu High School. In 1990, she moved to Pahoa High School where she taught math for 10 years before moving to Keeau.

Ms. Luning says one of the reasons she was drawn to apply for the StarTeachers program is that she has had extensive experience in on-line teaching with the Hawai'i Department of Education. In that capacity, she instructed students throughout the state in high school level math courses.

"The concept of StarTeachers feeds right into on-line teaching," she says. "I'm interested in different ways that students can learn, such as on the Internet."

She said is also interested in organizing professional development workshops at Keeau based on her involvement with StarTeachers.

"I expect to meet other teachers in other countries and learn from them what they are doing in their classrooms, working with them and sharing our experiences.

"Out of this, I hope to get the opportunity to create a teacher professional development day based on the input from the Chilean teachers who will be visiting here. I think it's a great opportunity."

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Viviana Calderón Tolmo

Born in La Serena, Chile, Viviana began her studies at Escuela # 2 de Niñas in Vicuña to later continue at Escuela Normal in La Serena from where she graduated as a teacher for elementary and junior high school, with a major in social studies in 1975.

Her first job experience as a teacher was at the Escuela de El Romeral in northern La Serena where she spent one year. After that, her path led her to teach for sixteen years at Colegio Pablo Neruda in Coquimbo from where she emigrated in 1990 to begin a new step in her career. She is now the current Head of the Technical Unit at the Colegio José Cardenal Caro in Coquimbo where she is also the Coordinator of the Astronomy After School Club.

Proud of her selection, Viviana was always eager to learn about astronomy and her enthusiasm was contagious among her colleagues and students at Colegio José Cardenal Caro, a public school of 59 teachers and more than 1600 students.

An active participant of various conferences and workshops in astronomy through the years, her Astronomy Club had an outstanding presentation in last year's National Congress of Astronomy for School Students in Rivadavia, where they presented a paper about "Observing Sunspots."

"Being a teacher, you do your job for love to the children and with great commitment," says Viviana, adding that she never thought she could have access to such a great opportunity. She hopes to get the most out of her visit to Hawai`i as well as from her StarTeachers' partner visit to her school.

Viviana is married and has three children of 20, 27 and 30 years old.<

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Press Conference at Gemini North in Hilo, Hawai`i

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Press Conference at Gemini South in La Serena, Chile

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

Press Conference at Gemini South in La Serena, Chile

Credit: "Gemini Observatory"

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