References & Links

In addition to a general acknowledgement to the Gemini Observatory, the following specific acknowledgement should be included in any paper containing Hokupa'a/QUIRC data:

This paper is based on observations obtained with the Adaptive 
Optics System Hokupa'a/Quirc, developed and operated by the 
University of Hawaii Adaptive Optics Group, with support from the 
National Science Foundation.

The recommended reference to be cited when describing the instrument is:

Graves, J.E., Northcott, M.J., Roddier, F.J., Roddier, C.A., 
& Close, L.M. 1998, Proc. S.P.I.E., 3353, 34

Further information can be found in the following:

Data Analysis:
  • US Gemini Project Office Workshop on the Reduction of Gemini AO Data Summary
  • Speckle Noise and the Detection of Faint Companions by Racine et al. 1999 PASP, 111, 587. ADS Abstract
  • Photometry with adaptive optics: A first guide to expected performance (a conservative guide) by Esslinger and Edmunds 1998, A&AS 129, 617. ADS Abstract
  • Stellar Photometry: Starfinder IDL code for stellar photometry with AO.

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Last update 14 March 2001; Mark Chun