OSCIR Spectroscopy

OSCIR contains a grating for low resolution spectroscopy and 6 slits of various widths that can be used to achieve a wide range of spectral resolutions:

property low-resolution grating
grating blaze wavelength (um) 9.22
each pixel spans (um) 0.028
full array spans (um) 3.66
minimum grating settings to span 8-14um window 2

The expected slit-limited spectral resolutions (R = l/ Dl) are shown in the table below:

Slit Width
Pixels across
0.227 2.7 123
0.340 4.0 82
0.454 5.3 62
0.567 6.7 49
0.681 8.0 41
0.794 9.4 35

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Last update August 31, 2000; Phil Puxley
In original form; Scott Fisher