OSCIR Filters

OSCIR contains a range of broad and narrower band filters as shown in the table below. Transmission curves are available for the broad-band and narrower (silicate set) filters. You can compare these with the atmospheric transmission presented as part of the observing condition constraints.

Filter Central Wavelength
OSCIR Zero Magnitude Flux Density (Jy)
K (acquisition) 2.2 -- 650.6
M (acquisition) 4.8 -- 157.8
7.9 7.91 0.755 59.4
8.8 8.81 0.871 49.6
9.8 9.80 0.952 39.9
10.3 10.27 1.103 36.6
11.7 11.70 1.110 28.5
12.5 12.49 1.156 25.1
N (10.8) 10.75 5.230 37.8
IHW18 (18.2) 18.17 1.651 11.9
Q3 (20.8) 20.8 1.650 --

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Last update February 27, 2000; Phil Puxley